
A simple question for ALL who have a blog or online diary?

by  |  earlier

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I've been thinking ...

We blog because we can't think of anyone to share our deepest thoughts, fears and feelings with. We can't think of anyone in our lives who could possibly understand, or be genuinely interested in what goes on in the deepest parts of our minds and hearts. So we blog, we keep online diaries .. in the hope that someone out there, will understand. In the hope that someone out there, will appreciate or value our insight.

Agree? Disagree?




  1. I partially agree with that, but we have to stop and think. Why do people keep diaries? Many people put their feelings down because it is a way for them to release all the tension. It makes us feel better to keep all the negative things out. Then sometimes people write about positive things. Those are the ideas that I think people are wanting to share. I know that there are people out there that will understand our problems, but I'm not looking for someone to share the same things with...I would just want someone to listen and be there when needed.

  2. Hope keeps people running. Hopefully I'm not crazy and that whatever I come up in my head isn't crazy and lacking the proper logical connections.

  3. Both! In some ways I agree totally - however I also feel some have a blog to try and get their '15 minutes of fame'. To see my own personal blog featured on CNN Money would be sooooo coooooool!!!!! *grin* or to have my other blog featured on Entertainment tonight!!!

  4. Yea that is true for me at least. I'm completely different online than I am in real life i guess lol. Everything comes out online from depths of my mind.

  5. well said.

  6. I somewhat disagree. I blog because there are feelings inside that I don't want to tell anyone. I know that someone will understand that's why I blog. Maybe if someone without a name or face to me has had the same issues and is willing to help me. It's my release of emotions that I keep bottled up inside.

  7. Agree

  8. I blog because I like to keep a record of what's going on in my life.  I also use it to vent because I tend to bottle up my feelings until i burst into an emotional fit otherwise.  I actually was surprised to discover that I had a "following" and when people started commenting on my rantings I thought it was kind of strange.  It's nice to know however, that what I write moves people to respond in some way.  So I guess my answer would be I disagree for me personally, but I would agree that for many people they do blog for the reasons you suggest.

  9. I have done it both ways - had a very public diary at one point, and a private one.  I also have one that I share with certain people, and when I have something I can't say face to face, I say it there in the hopes they'll understand.

    I also do it so I can look back on it years later and laugh at myself ;)

  10. I disagree . With blogs we just share our thoughts with more and more minds .That is all . Even if we have people around us understand our thoughts , we will express ourself through blogs to share with more people .

  11. I suppose so for some people.

    Others do it because they like to know what other people's opinions are for one reason or another,maybe see what people think before introducing an idea or opinion to a friend or person they know.

    Some do it because they are bored.

    I do it cuz I get bored

  12. very much agreed!

    just hoping someone out there would care

  13. Sometimes this is the case ...

    More often, I'm just seeking to entertain myself.

    In my circle, it's also an informal mode of communication, less invasive than email, and able to casually update friends (provided that they know and read your blog) on what's going on with you.

    So--in answer--yes, there is introspection, angst, and drama; but there is also amusement to be had.

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