
A single Mom of 4 needs a break?? any suggestions?

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My very good friend's husband passed away from a car accident 3 years ago.

Ever since that accident, she supported a family of 5 all by herself. Her children are adorable, very nice kids.

3 girls and a boy. 14, 11(boy), 7& 4.

She doesn't have close relatives near by, and I am one of her good friends who lives just 15 minutes away.

I was thinking to babysit her kids for a weekend and let her have some fun.

The problem is that she will be by herself since I am babysitting LOL. What should she do?

I have 1 baby myself, so there will be 5 kids who I will be taking care of. Just thinking about that weekend scares me but she has been doing it all by herself for 3 WHOLE YEARS wowww. I admire her.




  1. a spa weekend of course is the most obvious. otherwise, she can get together with another firend and go shopping and pub hopping.

  2. Not sure if you have already discussed this with her or not but you might want to start out small, like offering to babysit for an afternoon.  Or even work out a regular thing where her kids come to your house for a couple of hours every week or so.  

    A weekend away is fabulous but sometimes it is a lot of work and expense to get ready for something like that and then when you get home, you're right back in the grind.  More frequent but smaller breaks might be the better way to go and be a bit easier on you as well.

    BTW, you are a great friend!!!!

  3. I would see to get someone else to watch her kids, and you both have fun. It isn't going to help her to send her off alone, people get depressed when alone and stuck in their own thoughts.

    See if you can find a babysitter, a reliable one, or put an ad out for one.. or even two for your case. Hold interviews, and find someone safe!

  4. God bless you for wanting to do something like that for your friend.....that's really awesome and inspiring. :)

    Now, as for what to do.....

    The oldest sibling probably has taken on the role of surrogate mother to the others, and I would listen very carefully to what she has to say about what the kids like to do.  But that doesn't mean you have to take them all to an amusement park or something....It can be something as simple as taking them to a lake to feed the ducks, or to a park to fly kites.  

    Whatever you end up doing....just enjoy the time.  You're doing something VERY special for your friend.

    And as for what SHE will do....She might just be content to pamper herself at home with a nice bath, candles, bon bons, whatever suits her.  I'm pretty sure a few days of total peace and quiet will recharge her batteries a bit.

  5. I don't have any suggestions that are different than what the others have said (spa).... But I wanted to tell you that you are an awesome friend!

    I wish one of my friends would offer to take Johnny for a while so I could have some alone time, lol


  6. Well first off you need suggestions for entertaining all (5) kids... Go to this website and that will help you find cheap and sometimes free activities in your area!

    Now for your friend a spa weekend will be great... Or just a nice relaxing all by herself in the house would work to! That is a wonderful thing you are doing for your friend...

  7. Speaking as a mother of 2 and I have a husband and close family to help out, time alone is always nice. Even if she goes shopping and to the spa or to dinner, just some time alone is very peaceful and nice. I'm sure she'll be thankful for the sleep. But if there was anyway you could get ahold of her family and fly the kids there or have the family come down then she could stay with you for the weekend and you two could have some fun together. Hope it works out and God Bless her and you.

  8. a weekend at a spa

  9. check out the net for holiday places that have child care at the same place as you'll be , you get the holiday and your kids aren't far away,these places have fully qualfied child care professionals so you don't have to be worried about them, and you still get to tuck them in at night with you

  10. I think that sounds great. A relaxing spa resort would be lovely, she wouldnt want anyone to talk to!

    Massages, Manicures, Mud Baths, everything she wants! Just take the kids off her hands, and she can go wherever she wants, she might even stay home if thats what she desires just without the kids, or maybe a nice house overseas in the winter would be lovely.

    Good luck, it sounds lovely.

  11. Hmmm. get help from your sibling? Or your friends?

    Perhaps, how about going to a picnic together? At least both mom can have a great chat and chill, while the kids play among themselves? :)

    Ya can get the kids to help prepare the food together, it would be pretty fun I guess? :)

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