
A small bedroom?

by  |  earlier

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I'm moving in two weeks, and I'm going to be living in a really nice townhouse until we buy a hosue since they are like half a million dollars where im moving.

anyway, the room im supposed to have is like 2 times smaller than the besroom i have now, and when i lay down, i basically take oup the whole room.

The are two rooms in the basement that are perfectly fine that i could have. one is the laundry room, and the other one has nothing. i could just put a sheet up or something. but my mom wont let me stay down there!

Do u think its not fair, or am i just being spoiled?




  1. its not fair because u need space

  2. Depends on the basement, and maybe your Mum knows that they will need it for storage if you are moving to a smaller house? I can totally see your point, and I'd want the basement too but....

    is there cooling/heating down there?

    Bugs down there?

    and will the whole family need it (as I said) to store a lot of excess from your current house?

    Maybe when your Mum has a moment (moving is one of lifes biggest stresses so pick your moment as she is probably tired, busy, stressed and doesn't need any conflict right now) ask her really really nicely if she can tell you why she would prefer you not to be in the basement?

    Good Luck and if she still says no, but the space remains empty, can I suggest waiting until you move, get your stuff into your new room so she can see how small it is, and then ask if you can have a chill out/hang out room down there or something?

  3. If there are no windows or 2 exits from the room then your mom is doing her job and keeping you safe.

    Did she tell you why? Maybe she wants that room for something :)

  4. dude, you ever try living in a basement before?  the extra space would be great for a week or two, but it gets really stuffy and really depressing without any sunlight.  I think your mom has your best interests in mind this time... maybe you could suggest making the extra basement room a kind of hang-out spot?  couple of chairs, strings of lights, maybe a tv, that sort of thing?  it would give you more room to spread out but you wouldn't really be living down there.

  5. i think everyone deserves a decent amount of space - i love free space.  but if you still have to live in a small room and need ideas, here a link to help you make that room visually bigger
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