
A smoker husband during pregnancy:(?

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is it dangerous for me or the baby -during my 8th month- to stay around while my husband is smoking?




  1. Even if you weren't pregnant it would be dangerous for you to be around him when he's smoking.  Secondhand smoke is dangerous and it's very inconsiderate of him to smoke around you.  Tell him that if he wants to damage his own lungs, please do so outside, but to leave yours (and your unborn child's) alone.

  2. Yes, it's dangerous any time.  Your husband should at least smoke outside.

  3. It's dangerous at any time. It can cause preterm labor and low birth weight and all kinds of other problems.

  4. Second hand smoke is bad for you and your baby. That is why many places (restaurants, stores, etc.) have banned people from smoking inside or around the doors outside. You can also talk to your doctor about this and he/she will be able to go into detail about the health concerns.

    Babies and children raised around smoking parents tend to have more allergy and respiratory problems.

  5. Second hand smoke is worse in many ways than first hand smoke (as you have no filter.)

    You should not stay around someone who is smoking, especially when pregnant.

    He should smoke outside at all times and try to cut down as it is harmful to the baby in utero, and when the baby is born, it is very harmful to smoke in the same house (even a different room than the baby.)

  6. You should really have him smoke outside. This way he can get used to smoking outside when the baby comes. He can't be smoking around the baby. My ex who is the father of my first 2 children was a smoker, and he smoked outside when I was pregnant, and when the babies came. I quit smoking with my first 2 pregnancies and I quit about a month before I got pregnant with this one, but I never smoked around my kids and I always changed my shirt when I came in the house. It's better for the babies health, and yours.  

  7. I think its totally ur decision my husband smokes and I'm pregnant and hav a 18 month old, as long as u stand a bit out of the way so u dnt inhale the smoke then i think its fine I always stand wit my husband jus out of the way x*x

  8. yeah, of course!

    it could cause your baby's lounges not to be strong.... and she could have a lot of issues regarding that.

  9. Smoking is dangerous whether pregnant or not. I would ask him to smoke outside.

  10. My father smoked 3 packs a day while my mother was pregnant with my older sister and myself. We weren't harmed by it at all. After the pregnancies he smoked around us, and once again, no harm. Just leave your husband be, or you'll end up stressing yourself out, and then you will harm your baby.

  11. Second hand smoke can be more dangerous than the smoker inhaling it themselves. I would definitely ask him not to do it anywhere near you, especially since they don't know all of the effects of smoke in unborn children.  

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