
A snippet from one of my favorite poets, what do you think?

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Men of England, heirs of Glory,

Heroes of unwritten story,

Nurslings of one mighty Mother,

Hopes of her, and one another;

Rise like Lions after slumber

In unvanquishable number,

Shake your chains to earth like dew

Which in sleep had fallen on you-

Ye are many — they are few.




  1. that is a really interesting poem. I like it. if u want to see one of my favorites then look up-We wear the mask- by Paul Dunbar on google

  2. I actually really like Shelley; of the six famous Romantic poets, he is certainly among the couple less popular, perhaps because he can be philosophical, impersonal, and obtuse at times.  But his better short lyrics have a very great deal of subtle polish which must have given him much pleasure as he wrote them.  I personally like `Prometheus Unbound' quite a bit more than `The Mask of Anarchy,' and the sonnet, `England-- 1819,' a poem very much after your heart, more than the sonnet `Ozymandias.'  To me, Shelley's works are more of a long-term pleasure to know than Byron's, though I have great affection for Shelley's friend's poetry as well.

  3. Shelly, Robert Burns, Ralph W. Emerson, Longfellow, James Joyce, Edgar A. Poe, Keats - these are the ones who brought poetry to life for me.  As with many poems, it is about passion and feelings.  Good poems.

  4. Wonderful poem, great work!


  5. What should I say, but to answer in this way; it sounds like a "Parable"

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