
A snooker question?

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If you were so far ahead and the opponent needed 3 snookers and the game was getting boring to you, could you conceed the frame because you can't be bothered? Is it ungentlemanly conduct, or is there an actual rule against it?




  1. if there is a possibility of the other player winning they are obviously going to want to keep playing, but next time you should make it a rule so you can go to the next frame.

  2. From whats seen on tv, 1-2 snookers reqd, the player behind on pts might still play on to get them. Anything more than that they wld just concede the frame.

  3. What's a snooker? O_O

  4. you can quit a game anytime you want too but then why play at all if your gonna do that??

  5. you can concede when ever you want and some have done when there is still a change of getting a few more frames and maybe even winning (Alex Higgins) but i feel that its a bit rude to do things like that. I certainly would not concede because i was bored.
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