
A source said to me that if one of the pilots in an airplane is a Christian than...?

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... the co-pilot must be an atheist. In case the rapture is true. So that the plane doesn't go down.

Is my source correct?




  1. Definitely not, I don't think any of us would want our pilots to be worrying about such extraneous circumstances.  And is the christian:atheist ratio really 1:1?  Haha great question, but in short, h**l no.

  2. Sure, and the Christian is Pontius the Pilot.

    Har dee har har!

  3. No.  That is not correct.  Serious professional and business people are not expecting the event that some cultists call "the rapture," and employers (including airlines) are not allowed to ask prospective employees about their religious beliefs, nor to consider religious concerns in staffing decisions.

  4. The real joke is that some people think that this is serious.

    Did you know that within a week of Christmas, all planes are fitted with horns similar to the ones they use on cars to keep deer away? It prevents collisions with Santa's reindeer.

  5. I don't believe that this is true but it would be smart because if that plane had two christian's pilots during the rapture the plane would go down!!

  6. I heard that also but it is not true. THere would be too many law suits.

  7. I guess.

    Or that there is a back up plan of how others can put it on autopilot; if something happens to the pilot or pilots.

    Something could happen to both pilots, whether Christian or Atheist.  And then I am sure there is a back up plan for others to put it on autopilot.  It would be foolish not to have this security.

    I know that one of the 9/11 pilots that went down in Pensylvania.  One was wounded (according to black box found) so tried to get the plane on auto pilot.  But the terrorist wrestled with him & ended up going down instead.

  8. Funny...

    In reality I don't think they are allowed to ask about religion in hiring forms.


    You are also assuming that the people who run the airlines actually believe in the Bible.

    Good Luck..

  9. Should be in the humor area.

    You get a half thumb up.

  10. Those stupid pentecostals should keep their mouths shut. Gives them a bad image.

    My sons went on rapture watch every night waiting for me to come home. They got over it, but they were permantently cured of the pentecostal experience.

  11. Your source was making a joke. Ha ha.



  12. I don't how to classify this question. It is either the funniest - saddest - or outright inane question of the day.

    I will just give you the benifit of the doubt and qualify it as an attempt at humour.

  13. I have heard that, but the airlines don't ask or talk about religion. It sort of makes sense i guess in regards to however the rapture would occur.

  14. Best question today!  I pray I am not around after the rapture to worry about it!

    God Bless America!!!

  15. LOL! I don't think it's true, but that's a funny thought. They'll definitely be kicking themselves after the rapture.

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