
A space probe continues moving after engines are shut off. Explain.?

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A space probe continues moving after engines are shut off. Explain.?




  1. it is in orbit.  Or it is falling to earth

  2. Momentum. It will continue to move because of the initial thrust from the engines. An object will continue in motion until acted on by another force. There is no friction in space to slow it down. No "brakes" of any kind. So those astronauts aboard are doomed :)

  3. All objects continue moving at their present speed and direction unless acted on by an external force (Newton's first law). In space there is no air resistance to exert a braking force on the probe, so it continues moving.

  4. newtons law says that an object in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by a force. the space probe does not need to be propelled while it is in orbit or while it is in transit between planets.

    for a long time people wondered"what makes an arrow fly?" or "what force is propelling an arrow thought the sky"

    aristotle said that the arrow created a vortex as it disturbed the air and that the vortex pushed the arrow.

    neglecting air resistance, the space probe will continue to move with engines off just as an arrow will continue to move after it is shot from a bow.

  5. Due to inertia of motion.

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