
A sparrow's nest fell with possible babies inside, how can I help it?

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The older sparrows are chirping around the nest like crazy and I can hear the faint chirps of something inside the nest, thats why I think there are babies.. Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to help them




  1. Ok. If you can replace the nest where it was do so. They will continue to take care of the babies. Human smell means nothing to them. If you cant reach where the nest fell from put it as close as possible to original site as the parent birds will still take care of the young inside. If the nest is ruined and cannot be saved then make a nest out of a cool whip bowl. Put small holes in bottom for drainage. Line with tissues for warmth and take babies out of nest that fell and put in the makeshift nest and put in area close and safe close to area where nest fell. Fasten to garage, tree, wedge between branches. They will still care for them. The older sparrows are telling each other something is wrong. And they see you as a predator also. So get in and out and do it quick. They will hear the babies cries and know they are ok and respond by feeding. They will even feed on the ground but a predator will get them if do. If cannot do any of this then call a wildlife rehabber in your area and bring there or ask advice. Or bring babies in and put nest in a box with heating pad under it and feed every 30 minutes from dusk to dawn. cut up meal worms, hand feeding formula, not water. Best chance of survival is with parents outside close to where they were. Or wildlife rehabber. Good luck and thanks for caring. :)  

  2. oh! dear! um, id say get a ladder and put it back up high somewhere safe in the tree, and where it wont fall. if not that, the vets office!

    :D they can help you help them.



  3. If they are in danger, take them to your counties Wildlife Refuge Center. Look in the phone book for the number or call your local animal control as they will have the number.

  4. Get the nest and chicks and replace them into the tree and the parents will continue to care for them there.  If the nest is not very stable,you can get a basket or pail with handle and tie it by the handle up in the tree as close as possible to the original nest location if known.

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