
A stellium question ???

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Say if an individual has 5 planets in a particular sign ( capricorn , for example) but these 5 planets are distributed across the sign ( venus at about 5 degrees, mars conjunct uranus and neptune at about 17 degrees , and mercury at 29 degree ) , then Sun conjunct Saturn in the next sign, but saturn also conjunct mercury....

Clearly its a massive stellium. Would you consider saturn also indirectly conjunct the rest of the planets in the stellium too since it only conjuncts mercury. And say if the person also has Jupiter trine Mars, Uranus, Neptune , would you say that Jupiter also trine Venus and Mercury ?

With the conjunction of saturn to these planets and trine of jupiter to the same planets ( and Jup square moon ) , how would these aspects would play out in a person's personality in your opinion and intuition ? Is this an indication for unpredictable mood swings and continous periods of highs and lows ?

Thanks in advance




  1. well, the only planets which are conj here are mars, uranus and neptune. Venus and Mercury don't enter into the mix of that (too wide of an orb, no Sun or Moon involved), so Jupiter is only trine Mars, Uranus, and Neptune.

    As far as Saturn conj. Mercury, how many degrees there? Because when it's a conj. between objects in two different signs, the orb allowed is smaller still. Saturn is only conj. Mercury at the most, because it's in the next sign, so 0 deg. of the next sign at the very least is only going to be conj. the Mercury placement at 29 deg. It's 13 deg. to the Mars/Uranus/Neptune conj., that's too far for both Mercury (12 deg.) and Saturn to be conj. There is also 12 deg. between Venus and Mars/Uranus/Neptune, so those aren't conjunct either. I'm assuming that since you said Saturn was conj Mercury, but not Sun, that sun is at least at 10 deg. of the next sign, so really, not conj. to Mercury either, *but* the combination of these three planets (Mercury, Saturn and Sun) will be felt through transits to these three and in particular to transits of the midpoints of these all of these really. So in terms of the natal chart, no trine from Jupiter to all, but in terms of transits, because they're all fairly squashed together in the chart, it will seem that sometimes many of them are working together at once. They're still not conjunct, but the midpoint transits will make it feel like they are sometimes.  

  2. I have this stellium you described. they are all spread from 3 degrees to 26 degrees libra. 5 planets. however, i only consider 4 of the planets a stellium.

    one of them is at 3 deg, the rest would be less than 5 degrees apart from each other. And i did ask around, the energies are not as strong as a tight stellium, but it is still counted.

  3. Since Mercury is 12 degrees apart from Neptune, I wouldn't think it's a strong conjunction. For that reason, I wouldn't consider Saturn to be a part of the stellium since it is also in another sign...

    But if the particular place of the person's chart is that loaded, I think that Saturn conjunct Mercury so close to the stellium, even without being a part of it, would stress and support the stellium's activity (especially if they happen to be in the same house)

    Mars, Uranus and Neptune are found at about 17 degrees which means 12 degrees away from Venus and other 12 away from Mercury. I think you can say there is a trine between Jupiter and the other two... since they are in the same sign, even if not very close to Mars, Uranus and Neptune.

    Sun conjunct Saturn is enough for one to have a tendency towards depression and/or melancholy, although it also depends on the Moon sign and the kind of aspects it forms with the rest of the chart. So let's say you consider Saturn is conjunct all the rest and indirectly influential. Taking into account that the planets participating in the stellium are not remarkably beneficial ones and that a square between Jupiter and Moon does not exactly guarantee for consistent mood swings, I would think that yes, it could indicate a certain unpredictability, even though I wouldn't say this lasts for too long.

    (Also notice any connections between the Moon and Uranus)

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