
A story Idea I made up...advice please?

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What do you think of a story that starts off about a young gypsy boy and acuratley desctrible the reality of gypsy life and then goes on to follow his daughter a fifteen year old in modern day...She leaves home because of her wanderlust and strained relationship with her father. She travels, and this part is stories and stuff, and the cool thing about her is she has a very musical background and sing songs for strangers sometime...just as shes walking or something. She meets a guy who is much older then her and they have a brother sister relationship but she starts to like him(sean) as much more. Ovously traveling like this is dangerous for a young girl and one of seans coworkers trys to molest her...sean calls the cops on his friend and gets the police incolved they have no evidence to work of to arrest brent but they find out about the girl and send her back to he father...later she finds out sean sold the song she and him wrote together she tries to get ahold of him but he moved.




  1. I think this is a good story idea for a novel. And I'm assuming that you do know something about "the realities of gypsy life". If you don't, I would leave that well alone, and give the girl's father and the girl a different background which you do know well.

    If the project is to write a novel, you can probably use most of the story that is in your head. If no, I would pick one part of it, and really write that in the minutest detail you can. Describe everything. The way she feels as she sings. Where does her music come from, and is she aware of it?

    Be careful about the guy she meets being "much older" than her, unless the relationship is more like the father and daughter one than a brother and sister one. Make connections between what she feels about the guy and what she feels about her music and about other people.

    Do you know what it's like to be molested?

    You've given everybody names.Think about what they work at, where they live, what they eat, what they smell like.

    Let yourself go when you first write it, but then work it over, and work it over again. Read it aloud, and see how it sounds as you speak it. Can you hear the way your characters speak?

    Hope this helps. Good Luck

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