Why do I like aggressive women? I'm not saying that I like b****es. I'm saying that I like aggressive women. Think "Amazon" and you'll know what I'm talking about. There's something about that aggression that I find incredibly s**y. I admire how when you p**s them off, they stand with the hottest looking posture and they do whatever they can to get their point across. Of course, being the kind of guy that I am, I don't let them win. I just seize the oppurtunity to tease them with phrases such as. "'Cause I was bored..." in response to, "Why did you just do that?" and phrases such as, "This is sooooo boring!!!", which in response, they look at me, give me a look (that looks hot to me), and respond with, "What gives you the right to say that?" and I say, "Freedom of Speech. Go back to school. Maybe you'll learn something.". Bear in mind, though, that afterwards, I do what I can to make it up to them (like buying lunch or taking them to a movie). I really don't understand why I do this. Any insight?