
A stranger told me my zodiac sign!?

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i was at a cosmetic counter at macy's comparing 2 creams with the saleswoman when she suddenly asked me if i'm a scorpio. i am! i then asked her how she knows and she said my entire demeanor fits that of a scorpio. then she began to tell me things about myself that i didnt expect a complete stranger to know. she told me i never let a challenge go, i always like to be in charge, etc.. i was shocked, especially since i never really believed in all this horoscope stuff. how are you going to tell me that the same thing is happening to 1/12 of the world's population all at the same time. yet there's no logical explanation for that incident with the woman so now my interest is definitely peaked. can someone tell me a little more about the zodiac sign scorpio? what are our traits like? what signs are we compatible with? my birthday is november 6




  1. well guess what....along with your zodiac sign...which is also called your sun also have a moon sign, a mercury sign, a venus sign, mars sign and so's really cool.  All the signs together make up your personality !  

    Check out these websites here:

  2. Aww, Scorpio, The Scorpion

    Your sign is probably the most intense and passionate sign there is. Being a water sign, your also very emotional but keep it deep inside, along with your secrets, and who knows how many of those you have. Scorpios love secrets, they thrive on it really. They also love s*x,no as granted as the other signs, but in a passionate and deep way.Scorpios are very deep people and, as you said, like a challenge. They don't like flattery and hate to be asked personal questions, for your very private. An interesting thing about a Scorpio is your determination to get what you want but this can also be a fault. You can be dangerous and self-destructive, and don't admit your wrong.

    The Scorpio is the most powerful sign of the Zodiac, and they wouldn't have it any either way.  

  3. Your sun sign and rising sign tend to say how you look and how you carry yourself, maybe she knew that. That would be pretty cool/strange to be in your shoes in that situation.

  4. Hi,

    Yeah, I can do that too...guess people's sign I mean. Once you learn the traits it isn't that hard, but I only do it when someone interests me in their personality or if they give it away with something they do.

    Maybe you can off very mysterious, calm, and collected, seeming caring but in a strong way...some can be intimidating with their strenght...many can see through people with strong stares, some can be good talkers too, etc.

    Do know there is a big difference between Horoscopes & Astrology.

    I don't know why people would believe those News Paper clippings...people just write isn't professionally done.

    Now astrology is different...believe more in the personality of it all not the predictive stuff..even tho sometimes that is dead on ;D

    Also know Scorpio is just your sun have a birth get it as accurate as possible you need your birth time otherwise you can just get basic stuff...but it still is good. People have way more that one sign..way others say a moon, mercury, etc etc...houses & risings are found by time...everything else is by DOB & place ^_^


    Scorpio Sun- A fixed/negative/water sign.

    Fixed means you are determined, stubburn, hard to change your ideas or ways, you finish what you start, strong willed, etc

    Negative just means you are more reserved & more sensitive.

    Water signs like to be emotionally secure, caring, nurturing, sometimes moody as well.

    Scorpio is known as one of the stronger water signs...they don't like to show weakness...they have the strongest determination as well.

    Feeling they have deeply & they like to be emotional, but letting it out maybe different...they like to be viewed as depends on the scorpio how much they will show...some can be very sensitive :)

    Scorpio rules the house of life & death naturally...they transform a lot through life..some have amazing stories to tell too..more amazing is how emotionally stable they can be & how they learn so while from life.

    Scorpio is ruled by Pluto planet of transformation & power & also Mars planet of passion & War ;D

    Scorpios are known to get easily irritated as well & have an explosive temper, but they are also know for how passionate they can be..physical & learning.

    Many scorpios can be problems solvers as well..some can be very clever ;) Another trait of scorpio is they are very protective of loved ones..almost crossing the line of being jealous & possessive...they will fight for anyone...some scorpios intimidate others.

    Scorpios can be intense as well..very observent, carfule, very secretive, loyal, down to earth, charming, loving, gentle yet strong as well...very hard to change their minds, etc etc...there is a lot more.

    But, even tho some are reserved they can be talkers & blunt...either very loud or depends on the scorpio...they can like kids as well & like some other things.  

    Other influences in a persons chart can make a difference tho.

    Go to if you are curious they do birth charts.

    I hope I helped you out :D :D :D        

  5. You can go to

    and create a birthchart,since you don't have only one sign,but 12.

    You need to insert the most accurate details you can,it will reveal to you more than just basic Scorpio information,since many people are Scorpio.

  6. There is a lot more to astrology than dividing the world into 12 slices... there are many subtleties and colorings revealed when you have you complete personal birth chart, based on your birth time, date & place, read to you by a professional astrologer.

    The clerk at Macy's just may be more intuitive than others.

  7. i cant tell by the look mostly the signs the i like :

    Scorpio, Leo , Sag, Aries

  8. Give me a break Christine. that's not hard to do trust me. I would have guessed your sign especially when you are almost naked and drooling over the cashier. That is a dead give away of scorpios. Am I right ?

    Even the way you scorpis walk with that little snaky wiggle. Its a dead giveaway. No mystery in that.

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