
A streak of light that darts around the room?

by  |  earlier

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It was brought to my attention about this. There person is not crazy, on any kind of drugs, they have NO visual problems, nor do they have any illness of any kind. The house is recently empty, with no electrical. There is no Gas supplied to the house, nor is there a tank. There are NO animals in the house, wild or domestic.

This streak is about a 1' long w/about a 2" diameter. The color is is a yellowish/white. It is approx. 2 feet from the ground.

I have my ideas what this may be. Any ideas?




  1. Maybe a picture or video would help.  The only thing I've ever heard like this that had a reasonable explanation is called "ball lightning", which is generally thought to be erradically behaving charged plasma.  I myself have never seen anything remotely unexplainable, like UFOs or weird lights or ghosts or orbs or any of that stuff, so I have a hard time believing any of it is real.  My instincts tell me it's either hallucination or fabrication, but I know that's not what you want to hear, so my only other guess is ball lightning but no one knows what causes it.

  2. two years back, i went to see a psychic medium with my family and a family friend who was psychic. there we saw many pictures of the medium with those kind of lights. the people there said it was spirits and guides. however i dont quite beleive that bcoz of this.. when the medium was with my psychic friend, he told her that she should not pray to her god and that she should pray to his coz hers is evil. she was very upset with him.. but didnt show it.. and agreed to pray to his god .. she was just lying. a few days llater, her house keeper got possesed .. she literally went mad and started to vomit non stop. she willed whatever it was to get out of her house keeper.. that night it entered her.. she was terrified and went to see another psychic medium.. one she has known her whole life.. he said that the other medium.. had removed some impurities from her.. but later put it back and made it worse bcos she didnt listen to him.. we have never returned there.. afraid of what happened..

    i nkow some of you may think this sounds whacko but i am not  lying.. we think those light may have  been what he used to do his bad stuff.

  3. Maybe Ball Lightning...??

  4. My answer is,it's impossible to say.It sounds like hearsay.No offense to your friend but this is a second hand tale.Check it out yourself,then ask.That way we can make better informed answers.

    Edit.If you've seen it yourself.Why bother to mention the person is not crazy?

  5. I don't understand why I've never seen these things. I wonder if it has to do with the place or with the person. Maybe the more psychic you are..the more you see them. But, there have been people on here who aren't involved in anything paranormal who see them. I know there were spirits around I don't know why I never saw these or orbs or anything like that. Maybe these are the REAL orbs ya'll are seeing. They seem a lot different from some of the ones in photos. Sylvia Browne says that they're angels . I don't know how she would know. I guess Francene told her.

  6. possibly car headights from outside

  7. A firefy

  8. The first thing that came to mind was a reflection of light.  That should be observable by all present.  If it's visible to all present then you should be able to find a natural source.

  9. I have been wanting to answer this question.. I myself have seen lights In my home, One was the big light that flew through my window, and right through my house..also seen by another person, as it shot through the front lounge and out the closed window...>>> This was a big ball of really bright light.. I have an idea what it was, but i dont like to mention it on here.....

    Before that happened, I was staying with a friend for a little while, as things got really crazy around here... I started seeing sparks of really bright light, sparking up around the house... It wasnt until she stayed home one night, and we were both sitting down watching TV as they started sparking up, and she could see them to...Thats when i started freaking out, But i never had fear of them, I just thought what on earth is going on...They looked like, you know them sparklers on a stick, and you light them up, and they spark up..Thats what one spark looked like and really bright.. I still see them, but  nothing as often as back then.. It turned out I was being set up in that house, and they were like a warning....Once again, I truelly believe and feel they were both from the same source, as i was protected in ways i can not descibe, and not from a human.....

    With streaks of light, i have collected a couple of photos where they all show a broken up streak of light...starts off as a streak, then it changes into broken up dots...I call them Dotted tails..and i find they show up in alot of places...I have one photo taken in Pompeii, and one showed up...Photo not taken by me.....And then some photos i have some show a bright streak with no broken bits...But i do not know what they are...Actually just thinking of the colour of them, they are of yellow/orange/white....I could send them to you, for you to compare, them with your streak of light......

  10. yes, it is what we are so afraid to speak of. it is a ghost.

  11. without drugs, mental illness, or visual problems, this type of thing could still be caused by things like sleep deprivation, or high stress.

    If this person is doing all-night vigils for thier investigations, the sleep deprivation is very possible.

    I might be wrong, but it is something to ponder.....

  12. A person can have a scratch on their cornea and see a bright wormlike light snaking around. People around the world report seeing this phenomena - I don't think all of them have scratched cornea's so there must be some validity. As to what may cause them whether they be spirits, fairy lights, energy spikes, ball lightning - would be anyones guess - it could be a magnetic byproduct or some plasma discharge, but those things aren't spontaneous without some source.

    Probably worth more looking in to from a different perspective.

    PS - I sometimes see dark wormlike things crossing my peripheral, I attribute it to degenerative sight loss or just imagination.

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