
A street light always go out when i drive past with my boyfriend in the car???

by  |  earlier

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does this mean something? it is always one light, never more than one and it happens everyday, but only when he is with me!!




  1. Woah!

    Someone doesn't like you...

  2. This happens to me only not daily.  Lights go out as I began to approach them usually street lights although there have been other lights that this has happened with.  I have asked several questions and they all say the same thing....I have a lot of energy flowing through me.  We all have certain type of energy, some more than others, etc.  Anyway, your boyfriend must be gifted as well.  He is of a higher consciousness, angelic if you will.  Ask him if he also prompted to view alarm clocks, clock, or any digital screen when the time turns to 11:11, 1:11, 3.33, 2:22, etc.......All this means is that his celestial beings are attempting to get in contact with him.

  3. I have seen a thing on tv about a guy who had the same thing happen to him! I think you should definitely research this because it has happened to me a lot, too! I thought that maybe the streetlights just randomly turn off or go dim periodically to save energy but that doesn't really make sense or seem safe. But maybe it has to do with something more scientific, or even supernatural. It could be the energy field surrounding the person. Every person has an electric charge, you know. I am going to look this up in other areas of the net and I will get back to you...

    If you type in "street lights go off when I walk under" into a search bar, there is about 10 or more different instances of people having this happen to them. Including one on a yahoo answers question from  a year ago. Some people seem to think that the lights just go off by themselves randomly and some people notice it and some don't. One guy says it's a safety feature that they turn of periodically so that the bulb doesn't burn itself out permanantly. But some people think that it's something more spititual or having to do with the energy surrounding the person. I think that I might agree with Cyndi that maybe someone is trying to contact that person... Because the thing with the clock has happened to me, too. But again, that could just be a subconcious thing. Becaue I would imagine that your subconscious mind, which is way more powerfull than our conscious mind, has to have a perfect sense of what time it is, so when a significant time goes by, we might have a subconscious urge to look at the clock at that specific time. Either way, these phenomina are all very interesting to think about.

  4. you know i have been doing a little bit of research on these type of events because of the fact that it happens to me as well..whenever i walk home from work i pass about 8 or 9 street lights n some nights all of them turn either off or on when i pass by or just one either way i knew something was going on so i looked it up and they call it SLIders they don't know what causes it yet but they re trying to find out

  5. He is of a higher consciousness, angelic if you will. snip.......All this means is that his celestial beings are attempting to get in contact with him.


    Never believe a word of the people trying to convince you that you are "special", "different" or that they are special or "chosen" and that you should listen to them. I've seen those techniques be applied in several "New age" forums on unexpected victims in order to control them. The more you dig, the more you realize how something is wrong with new age, and many of its beliefs, and there are some very strange individuals into those circles, without going into detail. In all cases, remain logical.

  6. We have a street light that goes on and off at random my husband an electrician said it is over heating ,when it cools down it comes on again. nothing more than needing a new part.

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