
A study concludes that boys raised by fathers instead of mothers do well in school. Thoughts?

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There were several recent studies done. Basically it finds that stay at home dads are good for girls but terrible for boys.

Supposedly they do much worse in standardized tests and are emotionally less stable.

here's one article, you can search for others: fathers can hold back a boy's intellectual development, study says/

what do you think? find merit in that?




  1. I am a single mom and my daughter grades higher when she is at my house.  I know alot of boys that do better in History with their dads but for most of the other subjects it 50/50.  I do not think the story holds any water.

  2. It only takes one good parent to raise a child - Male or Female.

    I know heaps of Single Mums who raised wonderful smart well behaved young Gentleman.

    A study won't change my mind

  3. Well I know that most men who are in jail come from abusive homes, and were raised by single mothers.  I think it's in the child's best interests if they are with both bio parents 24/7 or if they are divorced with the father because then you don't have to worry about your daughters being raped or abused by their stepfather(experience).  I think whenever you have a child in stable loving home, where both parents are together, then the child will do well in school.  

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