
A stupid driving question...?

by  |  earlier

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okay I know it's stupid, but my friend was driving and a car cut him off in the intersection so my friend dodge'd it by going in the opposite direction of traffic and another car was coming it was going to be like head on collision but then he dodg'd it and enter'd the right traffic flow lane...I was wondering is it possible to be fin'd via mail for this traffic violation?




  1. look first of all it is never beter to escape from a small accident to get in to a worse one, it tose cases you can always slow down or even stop besides unless the car that is going to hit you is a huge tank or rock but always have in mind not only your own safety but of the other drivers

    good times.

  2. if cameras caught a picture of the violation and his license plates then absolutely

  3. don't know but I would say the cops would let him slide because he only did so for his safety.

  4. what's with all the apostrophes?!  If he was going to be fined - he would have been pulled over at that time.  Unless he ran a red light that had a camera on it - then he should be fine.  Just slow down next time.

  5. If your friend got a license plate number, then I would call it into police for reckless driving. From there, it's in the polices hand. They probably make note of their license plate number, and if he/she gets pulled over, the police officer will see it.

    I've had a similar situation riding with a friend, and we called the police, and they said the police would look out for the truck. We don't know if anything ever really happened.

    So, to answer your question, probably not. The police would have to physically give the person a ticket.

  6. I highly doubt it...if a collision was avoided..and no one is going to file any kind of complaint...then there shouldn't be any further issues.

      I would say that if there is an issue that would be made against your friend...then just make sure they have everyone who witnessed the incident present at any court appearance... don't have anyone just write a statement because statements don't carry weight in court..usually.

    This is just based on if there's even an issue or complaint made... If there isn't..then there's nothing to worry about

    Just be aware that when driving...anything can happen so...always be alert.. and don't be doing anything behind the wheel other than matter what...afterall..driving is the only reason anyone would be behind the wheel....not text messaging or any other distractions....

    not saying that's what was happening...I'm just saying it in general.

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