
A super magical puff ball!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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How do i make a puff ball turn into a bannana or hamburger or...........a cricket covered in chocolate.yummy!




  1. you,my dear,are being positively ridiculous and making an outright fool of yourself.your going to get a lot of nasty comments and i am probably telling u this in the nicest way possible.

    stop asking questions like this.u r making a mockery out of this whole subsection.there are people on here with serious questions who have better ways to spend their time other than entertaing a 4 year old

  2. magic isnt like that...its for LIFE THREATENING SITUATIONS

  3. YOU don't. You are behaving way too immaturely to have the discipline required. Sorry.

  4. I suggest we all ignore her questions from here on out

  5. Life isnt a Harry Potter story. You have to be realistic, you must grow up and realize life isnt magical like a fantasy story eventually.

  6. You need to combine a super magical puff ball with the right amount of basic puff balls and the essence of whatever it is you are looking to conjure. It's great to see another super magical puff ball enthusiast. Good luck  


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