
A surf question?

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I have never surfed and I will probably never surf until the next 5 years cuz I don't live in a place near the ocean and I don't have any stuff needed. I love watching it though... could u tell me if I what's the maximal age u can learn it? Is for example 20 years old OK to learn to surf? Or is it too difficult?...




  1. its impossible to learn anything after 18

  2. maximal?

  3. My brother and his business partner are teaching kids to surf as young as 5 years old.

    As for how old... you're never to old to stop learning.

  4. You can learn to surf at any age.  I taught my friend's grandmother to surf at 68 and she's still going strong.  If you have the opportunity, go for it.  There really is nothing like it in the world.

  5. Any age is possible, and if you want more information on surfing, there is an excellent DVD on the market now called Step Into Liquid, in it it has two discs, the second one you put into your computer and you can interact like a real surfer, believe me, it's a lot of fun and challenging.

  6. Can learn at any age!

  7. There is no age limit to learn to surf.

  8. your never too old to learn. Its all about having fun and your never too old to do that. I have friends in the water that range from 8-60 years old and they all started at different times. Just be prepared to change your whole life because once the bug hits you, everything revolves around surfing!

  9. You can learn to surf at any age. If/when you do surf you  should probably take a lesson and ask the person teaching you to help you pick out the right size board and wetsuit. Good luck and have fun!

  10. For someone your age youll probably stand up within an hour of really trying to surf. Remember that it takes a LONG time to get really good at surfing so dont think that you are going to get good real fast. Get like a 8-9' board for your first surfboard because these are the easiest to learn on. Watch other surfers, watching how the more experienced surfers surf really helps you to see how to surf. Dont be afraid to ask fellow surfers for help, just ask them for tips or help on some problem you are having when you surf. Good luck and dont give up!
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