
A survival question for all campers/hikers. What would you do if...

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If you had to spend a month deep in the forests of Canada, what three items you would you NOT want to be caught without?

For me it would be a knife, axe, and probably my flint switch.




  1. hmmm

    A really good knife

    A lighter that's at least not permanently useless when it comes in contact with water

    a big light colored tarp as signaling, an emergency shelter, keeping stuff dry

  2. a book on the  vegetation in the area,a box of matches and a gun.

  3. Knife, Disposable Bic Lighter, 10'x10' sheet of plastic.  

  4. Done this in the NW forest.  

    Most important is a good knife, Second is String, preferably something like spider wire fishing line. Third is water proof matches or flint & steel.

    With those three items, you can survive. Build a shelter, trap and catch food, and stay warm and cook your food.

  5. A knife ,an axe and a spade shovel

    Why a shovel ?Because being able to dig a hole not only simplifies my need for building shelter,But also helps me trap animals

  6. knife and flint and a outdoor first aid kit

  7. Magnesium Flint start(hot and waterproof) knife of course. Axe is nice but not required. (you can always make one.) Emergency blanket.(Converts to a quick shelter, reflector, water collector, make shift Emergency signal.)

  8. Knife

    Clear Nylon twine (snares / pull out strands to make fishing line)

    Survival blanket (can be used for rain, tent, blanket and water still)


    Water purification tabs

    Knowledge that would be essential:  

    *How to make a fire without matches (dry wood, tinder, and your shoe laces for a fire bow)

    Native food and medicinal plant identification

    How to make fishing hooks (very easy)


    How to make a bow and some arrows (knife very helpful and twine too) or atlatl spear

    How to chip arrowheads or fire hardened wood for points

    How to make fish hooks if you don't have any

    A good sense of direction and a clue on where you're at!

    The very best 3 items:   An RV, a generator and a couple of hundred gallons of gasoline would be even better.

  9. I would bring my knife, my flint, and my wife I have had enough survival that I can make due without everything else I know how to make shelter and fire plus the ability to catch food using homemade snare traps and dead falls plus I can catch fish with my bare hands my in-laws are native americans so my father in-law taught me everything.  I can't go without my wife because I can make it off the land with little on my own but I done other things on my own long enough

  10. Warm clothing, matches, fishing gear.

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