
A teen's life is full of worries man!?

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I'm 15, n barely 5'1... isn't that like too short? adding to that, I'm 50 kg!.. that's so over-weight right? n the top of my misery, I'm athletic.. i play basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, squash, swimming, hockey.. n all dat.... still!... my parents r tall too, my mom's thin... so doesn't seem like a gene thing... why? o why do these things torment my lil brain?




  1. Uh, no, you are not over weight. I am 13 years old and weigh around 58Kgs and am 165 cm.

    Don't worry.You are fine!

    You play alot of sport and you are healthy!

    Keep a good mind and you will be fine!

  2. 5 feet. hmmmmmmm

    In life the average for guy height is like 510.   There are some people who are super tall and some people who are super short.  Or people who fit in the average range.

    Usually height can be genetics.  Maybe you haven't had your growth spirt   yet.

  3. If you're a boy, your growth spurts might not stop until you're 18, so don't worry about it yet.  

  4. you'll probably grow taller as time comes.

    i dont think your done growin

  5. Don't worry about it. My brother had this same problem pretty much and he graduated high school at 5' 3'' and he graduated college at 6'4'' some guys just don't hit their growth spurt as early as others. Just be patient, everything will work out.  

  6. Hey friend, u seem to be getting worried always. Pls do put aside all these worries and have fun boy.

    I know it is not easy to take it.

    Let me tell u one thing. U r going to live a life that is once. Who knows when will we die? May be today or tomorrow. Live a life like "today is the last day in our life". You'll forget all your worries.  

  7. its just life. we all go through hard times.the weight thing can be fixed! i should know! i went from a size 12 to an 8 and stilll its not impossible.the height cant really be helped.I think im a little to tall but i have learned to get over it.i'm a girl  

  8. i'm 5'1 but i don;t feel short, 110 pounds isn't big.

  9. Children should not be too much obessed about their lookings!!

    You are an athlete & play basketball, soccer, volleyball, badminton, squash, swimming, hockey...its really good at your part!!

    Some people do have short height so what? But 5'1 is good enough!!!

    Even if you feel like you wanna increase your height. Go for Yoga...there are some asanas particularly meant for increasing height!

    And you must take a healthy diet with lots of green leafy vegetables and 2-3 bananas, daily!

    And maybe you will get in your real height after some time....

    Height, being slim, etc. not generally depends on genes!!

    so you might get in your real height later....growth of humans doesnt stop until the age 18, i guess!

    You shouldn't be too slim nor too healthy!

    50 kgs...and you say you are fat!!

    c'mon am 13 and my height 5'1 and am also 50!!

    and i don't think that am fat...

    And lastly, teen's life is full of worries if you let these worries occupy all the space in your mind!!

    I repeat,

    Children should not be too much obessed about their lookings!!

  10. LOL HAHAHA you might think teen years are bad...but trust me...they are the best time of your life...even if you think your miserable will grow up reach your 20's and realize how good you actually had it as a teen....its so stress just dont realize till its to late...and you never take advantage of those good times.

  11. your "problems" torment your brain because you invent them and let them take over.

  12. I think you just need to chill out and quit worrying so much. Everything will be okay.


  14. hmmm..well, so it's definitely not genes.

    unless, does anyone in your family have a short height?

    grandma, aunt..?

    just sleep a lot! lol and sports is good...

    hang in there, you probably have a lot more growing to do :]

  15. r u male of female? i was 5 feet at age 15 n ended up 5'5. i got "chubby" when i was 16 but thinned out as an adult. Your parents r a good indicator of what u will turn out like. no worries, just stay healthy with ur exercises n let your body grow! =)

    oh n no teens arent the best times for everyone as the girl above said. my teens were the worst years of my life! it got better afterwards n i'm 32 now, n it keeps getting any young'uns reading this, dnt worry if ur teen yrs suck..there is hope!

  16. so much time u have to grow .dont worry .if u play these are u can grow atleast 5'10.belive me brother.

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