
A teen gave birth yesterday and put the baby in the toilet and flushed him away

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It's on CNN

Should we see her as a vicious murderess who should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and have her locked away forever?


Should we treat her with sympathy and assume she was under the most dreadful distress due to her parents/religion/community etc?


If her boyfriend had disposed of the baby would he be treated differently?




  1. 1st one *****

  2. I seriously doubt you could flush a full-term baby down a toilet.  However, she should be prosecuted for the crime.  Circumstances should dictate the level of murder she is charged with.  I personally would have little sympathy for her no matter what the circumstances.  And, finally, yes, her boyfriend would likely be treated much more harshly than she is likely to be treated.  Males always are treated more harshly than females for similar crimes for the simple reason that men are likely to commit more crimes then women.

  3. her and the boyfriend needs to be prosecuted to the fullest extinct

  4. Interesting.  I went grocery shopping yesterday and today I got a haircut.

  5. she should be treated very harshly like with murder

    i mean if she didn't want the baby she should of put it up for adoption

  6. A google search turned up no evidence of this story.

  7. What I'm wondering is how the baby fit down the toilet? Was it a premie or something? Weird...

    But anywho...

    Killing is killing. No matter how you look at it. Unless it was an accident. But I honestly can't see how someone could take their newborn baby, place it in the toilet, and then flush it... accidentally. She should be punished. Being stressed doesn't give her the right to murder her baby. She could have easily given it away for adoption. Who knows, that kid could have grown up and become America's best president ever, and she just flushed it's life down the toilet.

  8. She needs to go to jail for a really long time. If her BF did this, he'd get the death penalty.

  9. So, trial by media? And such a respected source too ~ CNN! Should we 'assume' ... nah, I think it's probably better to wait for some actual investigation, and facts that go beyond tabloid headlines.

    Would the boyfriend have been treated more harshly? Hard to say, because like so many fathers before him, according to the article, it appears he simply wasn't there to prevent the action, or be called on for support.

    And considering how easy it would be to kill a baby, I can't imagine someone who tried to do it this way was entirely 'with it'.

    Do you?

    Incidentally, it seems ~ in case you're wondering ~ the baby is fine.

    I've noticed a lot more judgementalism on this board than compassion, and it usually centres around small, personal tragedies like this.

    One begins to understand where lynch mobs come from, reading the cr@p that gets spouted here.

    Cheers :-)

  10. holy smokes !!! :O

  11. Of course I'm sure she's crazy, but that doesn't mean we should let her off the hook.  She needs to be locked in jail for a very long time.

    If it was her boyfriend, we wouldn't be having this discussion.  He'd be going to jail for the rest of his life.

    I like Jesse's answer.

  12. She is a disgusting excuse for a human being and should be locked up for the rest of her life!! Her parents should have actions taken against them as well for not being engaged enough to notice their teen daughter was pregnant!

  13. The teenager should be prosecuted with a measure of sympathy.  She needs to experience the consequences of her actions, but she also needs support (and perhaps mental health counseling) to deal with her desperation.

  14. She was scared; didn't know what to do. It happens so often; meaning we should always keep good communication with our sons and daughters.

  15. There are no circumstances that excuse such an act.  A society that no longer punishes such heinous crimes will not survive for long.  We can love her as a fallen human, but we must still punish her actions.  

  16. people dont know what really happend, she was probably feeling completely hopeless, and plus she is young, she wasnt thinking clearly

  17. In this day and age, help is readily available for girls to seek out.  She could have left the baby at a hospital.  If she's under 18 then she could be prosecuted, if 18 and over then she should be charged with murder.

  18. she probbly got pissed at him for crying and c**p

  19. Yes, yes, and yes he would be treated more harshly.

  20. thats sad joe

  21. Should we treat her with sympathy and assume she was under the most dreadful distress due to her parents/religion/community etc?

    her boyfriend probably didnt want the baby and she was hopeless and the only thing she thought ot do was to flush it away.

    ive heard this story before its really sad.

  22. No,Maybe,and Mostlikely it was totalli wrong for her to do that. insted of putting the baby up for adoption or ask for a family members help

  23. Lovely. I hope it terrifies her for the rest of her life everytime she goes to the bathroom. Maybe someone should flush her head down the toilet. It's obvious that's where her BRAIN is.  

  24. Well sort of, sort of, and YES.

    She murdered an innocent child, no matter what the circumstance is, that is horrible.

    Plus teenagers give birth all the time with the same stress levels and you don't see them getting off the hook?

  25. It's good thing juries aren't called from GWS. Everyone would be 'going to jail forever'.

    It was probably premature and she would have to have been under some stress to be doing that. It's not pleasant that's for sure, but the real likelihood is that she miscarried and flushed the toilet. This happens daily and is no-one's fault.

    I care about the law as a standard, but I don't think human beings are naturally sacred, that's religious claptrap.

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