
A teenage pregnancy? Or Wright, Rezko, and Ayers?

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Which has more bearing on the overall flaw in character on a presidential ticket during this election?




  1. Well it depends on who exatly is the babies father. If you believe that boy is the babies father i have some swamp land i can sell you.

    The father of that baby lives in the Palin household.

  2. Well, Obama at 17 was using drugs according to his own book.  Obama's mother was a single parent.  This is all a non issue.  The answer is Wright and Rezko.

  3. So the choice is between the left focusing on irrelevancies or the right propagating misinformation.

  4. Certainly not a teenage pregnancy.  

  5. Exactly. Seems that folks need some rehashing. See my question.

  6. Lets see, a defenseless teenage girl vs a racist, slumlord and a terrorist. Well, its certainly isn't the teenage girl.

  7. The latter of the two.

  8. Keep shaking in your boots buddy...Change's a comin'.

    Obama/Biden '08

  9. The liberal leftist media will totally play up the pregnancy of Palin's daughter before they even think about delving into the corruption , violence and racism that surrounds the associates of Obama.

    Hopefully the American public as a whole will think for themselves , and quit sippin' the DNC kool-aid.


  10. LOL When will Obamunist question Boy Obamas judgement with the company he keeps.

  11. The person who throws everyone under the bus when they're discovered.  The one I know virtually nothing about and don't trust.  

    Hint:  It's not the McCain ticket.

  12. 2

    and I was sittin on fence for awhile. Dems little game here is going to backfire.

  13. With Wright, Rezki, and Ayers standing behind Odumber, I fear for my national security.   A teenage pregnancy is pretty common place and she is going to marry the father.  As long as she doesn't end up on welfare taking money out of my pocket, I don't care what she does.  

  14. for leftist hatemongers is a teen pregnancy

    for people with reason and logic, its wright, rezko, and ayers

  15. A rising rate of teenage pregnancy, right-wing advocacy of abstinence-only education for teens, and Republican hypocrisy are the essential issues in this story.  

  16. The Idiot Obama. The God Of Hype.  

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