
A teenager that broke into a school, hack into a school computer, and change his grades, and now is .........?

by  |  earlier

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A teenager that broke into a school, hack into a school computer, and change his grades, install spywares on the computers, and now he's facing 38 years in prison if convicted.

What do you think?

here's the story if you want to read it:




  1. A guy here got life in prison for spiting on a police officer so that seems about right.

  2. I think he needs to do some time in prison to learn he is responsible for his actions. If he's old enough to hack into a computer and change his grades, he is old enough to pay for his crime.

  3. 38 years? What he did was wrong, but that sentence is a little harsh.

  4. Remember here the maximum charge is that high .... it is not the final verdict.

    Who knows, maybe they will get out with a hand slap ....

    Tampering with others identity is well ..... a very touchy subject.  It makes me nervous.  If he can do it now .... well lets hope he gets hired by the "good" guys rather than learning how to hack bank systems.


    It sounds a little bit like the movie "WARGAMES"

    all the best

  5. Wow..I know this is a "could be" story but I still find it unbelievable that your country can impose such mind boggling sentences ..

    All it does is put Prison Guards in danger..

    If someone is told he will spend the rest of his/her life in jail ,

    what incentive do they have to behave themselves ?

    What more can you do to punish them ,,more jail time ,,in

    for life already,,

    People must be given some hope .

    If you take away hope you will turn them into animals,,

    [I know some will say they already are]

    Don't forget ,some of these people will one day get out. One way or another..

    As for giving someone life for spitting on a policeman,,,

    Nasty...YES   Deserve time in jail..YES  deserves to be in jail for the rest of his life ...NOT A CHANCE IN THE WORLD..

    He may as well have killed the policeman...same penalty

  6. They don't call it a felony for nothing!

    They want to act like "big boys" then they need to be treated like "big boys"

    38 years i think should be reduced to 7 years in the state pent. Let them sit with the real hard up criminals and see how long they last. They need to be taught a lesson because this can not be their first offence.

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