
A teething baby, what can I do?

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She is 7.5 months old and she is cutting her top teeth. She is running 101.1 fever. I took her to the doctor this morning, and he said let her handle the pain but give her meds for the fever. OKay, she is in so much pain she is screaming. I have giver her baby orajel. She screamed for 5 hours last night. can't sleep and doesn't want to eat. Any suggestions? I have tried rocking her to sleep, loving on her, giving her something to chew on. It's not working.

What would or did you do?




  1. I never used the orajel, they drool so much when they're teething it's all just going to wash out. My doc told me to give mine Tylenol for pain, they're babies for goodness sake, they can't "handle" the pain! Try a cold, clean washcloth to suck on, sucking helps ease the throbbing of the gums, put teething rings in fridge, not freezer, then give her to chew on. My last son has had a horrible time with every tooth he has cut so far(he has 10), and each time it has meant a few sleepless nights. Best of luck, I promise it will pass!! :)

  2. Orajel and other topical pain relievers can actually toughen the gums and make other teeth even more painful when they come in and they wash away so quickly anyway.  Pressure really helps. Put a cold or frozen washcloth over your finger and rub her gums. she may fight it at first but they reason they like to chew when teething is because counter pressure feels good on their gums. Tylenol is good for a few hours.  The frozen bagel is great but I couldn't find a flavor my daughter liked.  She likes frozen bananas though.  

    Also you can give her cold bottles and cold food. I know it sounds gross, but I make my daughters cereal very thick and then mix cold fruit with it.  I also keep veggies in the fridge and don't heat them either.  Once she started teething she wouldn't eat anything I heated.

  3. Give her the pain medication.  I used Infants Advil or Motrin and it worked great, it'll also bringdown the fever.  Orajel is a very temporary pain reliever.

  4. my son has a little toothbrush he got with a safety first baby kit. it has a rubber grib on the handle and he likes chewing on both ends. you just have to watch and make sure she doesn't gag herself.

  5. give her baby tylenol it will take down the temperature.but if you use it for more than 3 doses you need to get Motrin and use them interchangeably to prevent over dose so use tylenol then baby motrin tylenol, motrin. and so forth.and ive used orajel and that works to let them fall asleep it makes their teeth stop hurting long enough to fall sleep.

  6. go to a diff dr that one is dumb

  7. i gave my son tylenol and it seemed to work. the orajel never worked

  8. Put a teething ring in the fridge/ freezer. That should help.

  9. Sometimes the medicine for fever can work on the pain also plus try a teething ring that is cold covered with a cloth. The coldness helps with the swollen gums and the pain

  10. what i always did was rotated tyl and mot  every four hours . Also what works is ice cream or something cold like put a wash cloth in freezer for a few and give that to her. also try distracting her go for a walk put on a movie play some music and get up and act silly that works for a little whille ..... good luck  

  11. Things You’ll Need:

    Homeopathic Medication


    Teething Gel

    Plastic Freezer Bags

    Step1  Watch for telltale signs of teething such as bright red cheeks, low fever, unusual irritability, and changes in nursing, feeding or sleeping patterns. Also look for inflamed gums, a mild rash around the mouth or an unexpected diaper rash.

    Step2   Cuddle or nurse your baby even more than usual ' she may be looking for extra comfort.

    Step3   Massage her gums with your fingertip, if she lets you ' many babies enjoy this, and it helps to ease the pain.

    Step4   Dampen some washcloths and freeze them, then offer them to your child to chew on.

    Step5   Get some teething toys that you can store in the fridge or freezer.

    Step6   Provide cool, icy drinks to soothe your child's gums, if she is old enough for drinks other than breast milk or formula.

    Step7   Offer your child cool, smooth and comforting foods such as applesauce or yogurt, if she is old enough to eat them.

    Step8   Clean the area around your child's mouth with a tissue or warm washcloth if she is drooling a lot; this will help prevent the "drool rash" that often accompanies teething.

    Step9   Get some homeopathic teething tablets or liquid; many families find that these preparations help ease their children's discomfort. Or, find some topical teething gel ' this numbs the gums and tongue, so it should be used sparingly. You may also be able to get a natural version made with clove oil.

    HOPE I HELPED!!!!!

  12. Tylenol should help with the pain. Orajel is easily washed away with the excess saliva produced during teething. I have found the teething tablets to be helpful, too.  

    Try a damp washcloth in the freezer for a few minutes ( my baby didn't like them super cold) and also, if your baby is formula fed, try cooling the formula . Sometimes teething babies will drink better if their formula is cool.

    I hope this helps!

  13. I know you have tried giving her something to chew on but did you try a damp washcloth? It feels really good on the gums.

  14. oh girl i feel for you! my baby girl is 7 1/2 mo (december 30, when's yours?) and she is getting 2 on top. she has the bottom 2, one top middle and teh one next to it. she's getting teh other top middle and the one next to that right now. my grandma (my babysitter) called me today and she had a 101.2 fever. last night it was 100.3. I got a doctors appt tomorrow.  I've been giving her motrin. that seems to help

    Does your baby like teethers? mine doesnt like them that much so i took a paci (someone gave her but seh doesnt use them) and cut a hole on the top. i squeezed water into it and froze it. she loves to chew on it cause she can really get it inside her mouth and she can easily hold onto the ring. I also give her hyland's teething tablets.

    if you learn anything else that can help please email me. I;ll let you know if i come across anyhting else that works too

  15. Um, i know you said she doesn't want to eat or chew on anything, but when I was teething (so my parents tell me and they've got the photos to prove it) i chewed on frozen bagels. Just a thought. Apparently I enjoyed them.

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