
A terrible mistake and how it gone wild?

by  |  earlier

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For the past one and a half month, I have been in contact with a girl,

she lives nearby my workplace. Since, it's a semi-village atmosphere, it is very difficult for us to talk. So, we just look at each other and slowely we began to rely on each other. Sometimes, she just sits opposite to the window of my office so that I can see her. She doesn't show interest in any other person, even though she is a very beautiful girl and every boy in the locality tries to impress her. I am just Ok type as for my looks. We are very much like friends and never thought of any other relation (physical relations) than a nice friend with a very goods heart. Slowly, she became a part of my life and I think that I reserved a place in her heart. And it was definately more than just flirting.

When, I came in contact with this girl, I have absolutely lost my interest in life (due to the bad phase, I was going through since the last one year, and even think many times of sucide). But when I look at this girl and she also started giving me recognition, life became something that can be worth living. She slowely became part of my life.

Well, three days ago, I tried to contact her to give her my phone number as I was planning to change my job, so that we can remain in contact with each other through voice. This contact was meant to be private but somehow it gone public and to avoid bad name, she said that -- "Are you gone mad! and You are not as good person as i think before. I was stuck by it, as it was the first time in my life that I try to gave my contact no. to any girl.

Now, the situation is that every person in her home and in my office knows about this. And I was going through h**l from the past three days. I am feeling so much of guilty and immotionally broken, while I was used to be a very strong immotionally.

All I was thinking is that -- What she gave me -- an inspiration to live, as a good friend will do and what I gave her back - a bad name. I want to appologise, but she can't be contacted. I hadn't went to my job from the last three days and absolutely blank as what to do now.




  1. I think she probably acted immaturely but then again I'm not there to really witness what you did completely.

    Lastly...I think you're learning from something I've stood by for years now out of experience......women from work are off-limits to all forms of dating.

    As a wise pimp once said, "Don't dip your pen in the company ink."

  2. Oh, my goodnes, it is a pitty you feel so bad. After all you have not done anything wrong. I wish I could have you as a friend.

  3. no need to worry its not your mistake ,it was just ur feeling that came out n wat if the world knows abut its, u shud hav the courage , dnt let the society dominate u , have guts n get into the world out , u shud have to love urself 1st feel urself to be the 1 , a unique creation of god n my friend its nt jst about a girl its u as well so think again n dnt wry, n its gud u appologise to her and no worries as most of us commits same mistake.

  4. Stay away from such girls..not suitable for u ...nor for anyone..these kindof girls needs just attention..time pass and love being centre of did it spread to all of the other ppl that u liked her..dont feel guilty for anything...just ignore what ever u tried for...and let not make ppl speak..face teh situation and face her too if need to chnage what u did by calling her up...if she really had feelings she wudnt have acted like need to even think of suicide its waste for such ppl never ends with one girl...ur beloved is still waiting for u (ur life partner) so be happy that u didnt marry this girl whos having head weight abt her beauty...yeh might be that there might be confusion between u and that girll...tell her frankly that the number which u were abt to give was for this this reason and not meant to talk any thing personal .

  5. Take a chill pill dude...may b she needs to think again and more wisely that she has been acting way too weird than u behaved with her..  

  6. I honestly dont see what you did wrong....

  7. guess she was having orgasms looking at you and you rather than using your hand gave your cell no - you are a nut case. again only nut cases, cowards and psycologically challeneged think of suicides!

    Nothing forget it any wya you are quiting your job so whats the bigg issue dump and hunt for the next!!

  8. dont worry.i am sure she just over reacted just for fear of her name being spoilt.but why would she look at u and not like u,and then unable to express herself.i think this is her fear of parents,friends etc.just relax,do;nt condemn yourself

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