
A test…real quick name a present that you were given last Christmas…….?

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How many seconds or minutes did it take you to recall a gift you did receive.

Point I believe I am trying to make is that all this material stuff gets received, played with, and then put aside and forgotten in a short amount of time.

...and if this be so, what really does last in life. I need your opinion.




  1. you make a very good point! Material stuff doesn't last, money doesn't last, all these things we love on Earth don't last.

    What lasts in my life is God  

  2. Same thing I get every My husband is to cheap to make the effort to look for anything so he gives my money.1/16 OF A SECOND.

  3. This is why in our house we buy meaniful gifts that may seem boring but are so much better!

    My Darling Sister brought me and my DH a gift box each which was full or deodrants, soap, face wipes, bubble bath etc.

    My DH brought me some socks and a lot of other bits including some books, some boots and some new PJ's!

    What does really last in life is the joy you get from watching your friends and family at Christmas. I will always remember the year my sister got a Tutu for Christmas (15 years ago), the first Christmas I spent with my Husband, my Daughters first Christmas and I am guessing this Christmas which will be my sons first Christmas.

  4. cool sweatshirt from aeropostale:)

  5. nothing...absolutely nothing

  6. I don't know about that.  I don't get many gifts but I do love what I get because of who gave it to me.

  7. That's not really all that true.  I got this great laptop computer that I'm using this very second.  I use it every day.  It only took me about 1 second to think about it because I love it so much.  For christmas I like to get gifts that I know I'll use for a really long time.  I only like to get things that I actually need.  Like the christmas before last, I got my car =D

  8. I can't remember what I had for dinner last night...does it count if you're old and losing your mind?  I'd hate if if I couldn't get any more gifts because my memory is failing.

    I hardly ever play with my gifts anymore...maybe that's why I can't remember.

    What was the question?

  9. I got a sansa e250 mp3,and I use it every day,so it only took me 2 seconds to remember it.And what lasts in life for me is my family,and my love for them.

  10. Nothing, 1 second  

  11. all i can remembe was opening the gifts... i can't even remember if where was last christmas held at... one minute.. i was trying to recall it..

  12. I received a bag to carry my Jeep Wrangler windows in.  Four seconds.

    My question for you, though... do you remember where you got EVERYTHING you have?  If you do, I would be very impressed.  Somethings don't get "used" every day.  Last Christmas I also received a picture of my and my father when I was a baby.  I look at it occasionally (in the frame it came in), but do I "use" it everyday?  Not really.

    Sure, materialism exists... but it's not about where it came from, it's about what it means to you.  

  13. I got a sander and I use it every day. It took a second to remember. Makita powered tools seem to last long. I have a toy Steiff that belonged to my grandfather and is like new and over 80 years old. That was a Christmas gift also. I guess it depends on how you take care of what you receive.

  14. A watch - about 5 seconds -what realy does last in life? good but hard question to answer,I can only comes to a Christian Salvation if one keep the faith to death.  

  15. ipod second generation....My mom got it for me...all my other gifts i do not remember..hahah

  16. I got candy... yum

    it took me like 2 minutes to figure out hahaha

    What lasts?

    Love, Friends, Family, Music, and all the little changes that happen throughtout your life.

    thats what lasts.

  17. Bathroom mats that match my bathroom . I thought of it right of way when I was reading this.

  18. i got a ps3. it took me 1 second to remember

  19. A CD I LIKED A LOT !! 1 SECOND .

  20. Boots.1 second

  21. It took me about a minute. I got a new wii game. Great point though!

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