
A thesis statement for animal abuse?

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  1. Guest57602

    looking for a good thesis statement for 7th grade animal abuse ted talk speech



  2. Animals are have felling lut us be there voice and put on end to animal crulity become a member of the street team go to you will find a million of helpful things!

  3. think about the poor animals what did they do to you! this is a problem that needs to stop!!

  4. "animal abuse is wrong and people shpuld start taking action when it happens"

    "animal abuse is wrong and needs to be handled"

    hope that helped!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5.  Animals are God’s creature’s just as we are. They have evolved and found a niche same as we have. Animals have brains that are not developed the same as ours, but still deserve the right to be treated with dignity. This would be the same as saying a person with a mental disability can be treated with disrespect and used as needed. It’s necessary to use animals for certain experiments, but their pain and discomfort needs to be kept to a minimum. And unnecessary experimentation needs to be eliminated.

  6.  ypically, asking a question is not a good form for a thesis statement. It is a statement after all. It is not a bad practice to use a thesis question to help focus your writing, but it should be edited out of the final draft. Avoid asking questions altogether in any essay unless it is purely a rhetorical question, and even then this strategy should be used sparingly. 

    For an essay on animal abuse, ask yourself what you want to discuss. Where do you want to take your audience? On what do you want to focus? Do you want to take an emotionally track or do you want to rely more heavily on statistics and hard data? 

    You might try this or something like it: 

    Thousands of pets are euthanized every year. People want companionship, and without much forethought, they run to the nearest pet store and buy the first puppy, kitten, bird, turtle, rabbit, chicken, or duck that catches their eye. They become instantly enamored with their choice of friend, but then the food dish gets kicked over, the first accident happens on their twenty thousand dollar carpet, the threads are torn from the couch, or the drapes are shredded. What then? Obviously the master was never intended to live like this, so only one option remains: death. This is the destiny of thousand, perhaps hundreds of thousands of pets lives every year.

  7.  animal abuse not helpful for the world and people should stop hurting animal, what if animals abused you?

  8. Animal testing is unethical and should be outlawed.

  9. There is a law against animal cruelty isnt there?
    Isnt that what the RSPCA handles?

  10. "Animal cruelty comes in several forms, some of which people don't know. There is animal experimenting, animal abuse, and mistreatment of animals."

  11. There should be a law against animal abuse in every state.

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