
A thought on a theme for some art..artistic experiment?

by Guest67014  |  earlier

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l have been invited to a prestigious poetry event rt, l have several ideas and works that can be polished up quite well so the work is all but done however there is time to write more. l see many styles and themes...personally l like lighter themes, ones which work at several levels with maybe a darker side too..l wanted to have an experiment by having suggestions for themes, and to go on to do justice to the theme with the most suggestions..from you will be forming part of the artwork....a bit like audience participation.l would like sensible ideas..but l am also happy to have a laugh over to you....




  1. write a poem that can be read backwards also.write a poem about animals and make it look like one.i wrote a poem that went from a hole lot of words in a sentence down to one looked pretty cool

  2. just write with your free'flow emotions. the beauty of the poem comes from the true and free emotions...

  3. Check the internet!!! :-D

  4. Why not adopt the "persona" of an ET, from the Pleiades, perhaps, and write from that perspective.  It would allow for creating entirely new and fantastic landscapes, beings, etc.  And in the spirit of "the jabberwocky"  by Lewis Carroll you could even introduce/invent new words.  Could be fun  :)))

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