
A title for my book? (any suggestion would be a help)?

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I know if you write a book you need to come up with a title but so far I have a tempory title which is 'The Blue Book'.

The plot: A young orphan girl name Evie who is given a blue book and necklace (from her mother when she was abandoned) on her 17th birthday and is taken to a magical place called Leon. From there, she discovered friendship, loyalty, love and that she is a royalty from the past. (kinda like time travel). But in this story, there are mythical creatures that are all hiding and don't want to exist in the human world.

There is a battle blah blah...

So on, so on, etc etc...

If you're planning to steal my idea, too bad. I am currently in editing of it.




  1. book name: ''I'm Adopted''

  2. "Evie's adventure"

  3. Good lord! If you went to all that trouble to write a book you really need to pick your own title.

  4. Why is the book more important than the necklace?  Why not "The Necklace" since she is royalty from the past?

  5. The Majestic Life of Evie

  6. 'Realm Travelling'?

    hope you find a title that suits your story

    good luck =D

  7. The Blue Book sounds fine.

    I kind of like it.

    Short, sweet and simple.


  8. I can understand the difficulty in choosing a title, I'm usually great at choosing them but even I'm struggling slightly.

    I'd need more information - not plot wise but more about the style of story. Obviously, it's a fantasy story but is it more humorous? More romantic? More tragic? These things counter in choosing a title because often the title will tell you the style of book it is.

    For a humorous title you could have "When c**p Doesn't Even Cover It." It's a mysterious title which is often important. People judge books by the title and 'The Blue Book' would probably hint towards a fantasy world - and many people are biased against it - so by using a less hinting title they'll have to read the blurb and they'll more likely to be inclined to read it.

    Other titles might include "A Place Called Home" or "Royalty Sucks" or even "When Nightmares Becomes A Reality" relating to the creatures hiding. If they're mythical ones then I assume they're known about ones that might be causes of nightmares? Hm... a few more random titles.

    "This Royally Sucks"

    "And Dorothy Thought She Had It Hard"

    "Royally Screwed"

    "Living It Up In Leon"

    "Bumps In The Night"


    And that's about all I came come up with currently. Good luck though.

    One other point, if you're trying to get published and you succeed, your publisher may choose a title to replace the one you have to suit them better, after all, they have the experience so be ready for hunting for the perfect title and then having it replaced because it didn't suit other's needs.

  9. You can name it:

    1.)"The Secret Magical Place Leon"

    2.)"Evie Finds Her One True Home"


    4.)"A Magical Place Called Leon"

    5.)"Evie And The Blue Book"

    6.)"Evie Discovers Leon"

  10. the blue book sounds good.

    or the gift of loyalty/friendship/love <-one of those.

  11. The Blue Book.

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