
A tool or machine to remove grass?

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is there a machine to remove grass? ive seen people using something that looks like a lawn mower but it rips off the grass?




  1. turf companies have a machine that cuts a 2 ft wide 'carpet' roll .

  2. Sodcutter

    They rent for about $25/hr ($75/day) at an equipment rental yard.  You can set the depth from 1/2" to 2-3" deep

  3. it was a sod cutter.

    why would you want to remove the grass?

  4. weed wacker.

  5. lawn mower

  6. a lawn mower with a thatcher blade attached

  7. You mean like... ripping up sod?

    Check with your local hardware store.

  8. weedeter

  9. How about motorized grass cutter.

  10. its probably a high def lawn mower..

  11. what you are talking about will not remove grass--in fact it will help it--sort of aireate it--it will scratch up the grass and thatch but will grow right back.  long time ago i bought a mower blade with what looked like a thin nail going down to ground from each end of blade.--if you want to get rid of grass get a grass killer [ cant think of the name of my favorite ] but you can buy grass killer at walmart or any nursery then just spray it on

  12. it is called a sod cutter.  it cuts the roots and pulls up the grass like a carpet just leaving bare dirt.

  13. They are sod cutters..and here are tons of pictures of them..The people that sell strips of sod or pallets..grow the grass on acres and acres of land and when it is rready for market..they take these machines and cut the grass lose in rolls..then run it through a machine to cut it in the proper lengths,, then pallet it up and selll it..You can rent these machines

  14. are you joking??? dude, thats not funny its dumb people have better things to do then listen t ur c**p

  15. If there's nothing else near the grass you wish to kill (like a bush or flowers), then do yourself a favor & just spray the heck out of the area with grass killer.  Then come back in a couple days with some gloves on and it will all pull out fairly easily... or use rake or similar tool.

  16. It's called a sod cutter. I rent them and other equipment out for a living. It cuts out the grass about 2" below the surface call your local equipment rental store for more details.

  17. a lawn mower works the best then anything lol

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