
A touchy question?

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us americans would agree its safe to say were the most powerful country on earth however look back to the roman empire. our goverment was modeled after theres and out society is alot like that of the romans. Even most of our values and morals. All great empires fall. and maybe its the begining of the end for the u.s.? Not to be racist but im reallly unsure of Obama. He could be the key part in the fall of our power.If this is happening it would take at least a century but it seems like were spiraling downward? disagree? agree? share your insight please.





  1. For me, Obama may be the last gasp.  McCain is a sure fire end to democracy and social values here and in our relationships abroad.  Maybe I'm not a hard core Obama follower but I will vote for democracy which is represented by Obama not McCain.

  2. agree

  3. If we (not us) Americans are "spiraling downward" it is because of an uneducated population.  Many (not just you) people come on here and use wrong words (us/we, theres/their's, were/we are) incomplete (Even most of our values and morals.  ?? What about them?) sentences, not using capital letters, etc.  I wonder if the science and math skills of so many people are as bad as their writing skills.

  4. the both were a triparite system of government

    BUT it got owned by a few hundred egoistic families

    The Empire families are represented by The Senators in The Senate.

    The Senators are allowed to elect a 'supersenator' The President (in Roman times called The Emperor).

    The President is still a quasi independent puppet on a string of the Empire Families.

    If he sticks to his own way he is without much fuss simply murdered.

    To keep The People satisfied The Empire Families need lots of resources.

    The Empire Families erected 'multinationals'

    Multinationals are owned by The Senators and are run by 'agencies' (like JP Morgan).

    US multinationals (like IBM and Exxon) started exploiting countries on other continents

    At present most clearly in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Freedom fighting is against The US Empire is called terrorism

    And globally by US puppets fought with War on Terrorism

  5. I wonder if 100 years from now people will be saying the same thing about the USA. The USA WILL adapt and change when we feel the time to change is needed. Go back and look at History. On December 8th, 1941 if there had been an Internet how many people on the West Coast would

    have been saying be prepared for the Japanese invasion. Now, it's an energy crisis. we will have to pay more for energy but we WILL develop alternative sources and reduce our dependence on foreign oil. Why/ Because the people will elect those who will bring new ideas. We love crisis. it makes us act. USSR launches satellite, Sputnik, lets put a man on the moon in 10 yrs. We did it in 9. I am not saying it will be easy but it will get done. We lead the world follows. Obama

    may get the chance. experience in government helps but it is

    NOT  the end all and be all. GW Bush selected the most

    experienced people he knew, Cheney and Rumsfield, to make USA foreign policy. How did that work out, debacle anyone? Obama, if he wins should be given the chance to

    bring new ideas and policies. If he does not succeed the line will form to throw rocks at him too. I am optimistic. You cannot afford to be pessimistic for to long, it does not fit this country. If you want to be pessimistic become french, sorry just kidding.

  6. why are you assuming that the fall of the u.s. is a bad thing? look at all the c**p they are causing and have caused in the world...

  7. It's possible.  Certainly all empires fall.  However, having noted that, I'd say that McCain's potential election would concern me far more than Obama's.  McCain appears to me to be intending to continue the policies of the Bush Administration, and considering the immense cost of the war in Iraq, the massive burden of that conflict upon the military and the economy, and the short-sighted answers to the economic problems we're facing, if the next election can be seen as a tipping point in the potential decline of the "American Empire" then I'm convinced it will be because McCain was elected instead of a young man with good ideas and the energy and vigor to try to change the disasterous direction we're currently aimed in.

  8. There is really nothing wrong with your being unsure of Senator Obama. He's new, he's been a US Senator for a few years, an Assemblyman for a few years before that and a professor of Constitutional law.

    He's green, as they say of soldiers before their first fight. Every President is before he's elected. The situations they find themselves in are what make them as Presidents.

    The real challenge to our liberties has been the attack on our own soil, and the reaction to it. In the last 8 years we have seen movements in the direction that could ultimately deprive us of our liberty. We have certainly seen an action that has deprived over 4,000 Americans of their right to life.  The difference is that we can change the direction we have been travelling.

    We have a threat from beyond our borders, granted, you could compare it to the threat from the Huns, the Goths, the Allemani, the Vandals, the Avars, the Picts and the Scots, but we also have the tools we need to defend ourselves. Our military is trained, efficient, professional, and ready for just about anything. Look at the people we have in Iraq and Afghanistan now, they may find themselves winning the hearts and minds today, and fighting insurgents tomorrow, they adapt. They're tired, they're hot, and at times they're probably disgusted, but they're there, and consequently you and I don't have to be.

    What do we have to do? We have to be vigilant. We have to be aware of possible threats from inside and outside. I don't mean we have to profile anyone, I think that would certainly lead to our being unjust to many innocent people, and ignoring small groups who might legitimately try to do us harm.  If you're in a building and you smell smoke, tell someone. If you're fishing and you see someone fooling around under a bridge and you happen to hear the word "fuse", tell someone.  Stop,Look and Listen doesn't just apply to railroad crossings.

    I suppose there are aspects of our morality that can be compared to Roman times. I mean that nothing is really new under the sun. People are complaining about other people who are marrying people of the same s*x. People have been so inclined for centuries. About all this amounts to as far as a change is insurance and the right to visit someone in intensive care.

    The fact that marriage as an institution has been disintegrating has very little to do with g**s and lesbians, in my opinion it has more to do with people being unwilling to work at their relationships, or having made the wrong choice to begin with.  This problem may indeed affect g*y and L*****n couples as well as heterosexual couples. A person's ability to commit themselves to something or someone has more to do with character than preference.

    And yes, abortion was legal in the Roman empire, as was exposure. Exposure is a method people used to deal with children they didn't want who had already been delivered. They would leave little children outside, and some would die, but the general feeling is that they were hoping that someone would come along and take care of them, at least feed them and sell them into slavery or something.

    At least we've made some progress. The stories about babies in dumpsters now are shocking. Then it might have been as common as someone murdered for the $5.00  in their pocket by someone who was messed up on something.

    I personally vote for people who are pro-choice, because I think the decision to go through with the procedure has got to have a powerful impact on the girl or woman who makes it. I find myself wondering how they come to the decision, but it isn't my decision, is it?

    So, in short (too late for that I guess) I suppose we will get through this. When my grandparents were young some people thought the flappers and bootleggers would bring us to ruin, when my parents were young some people said the bobby soxers and jitterbugs would destroy the moral fiber of the nation, and when I was young, people thought boys with long hair wanted to be girls, and girls with short hair wanted to  be boys, and plenty of those kids are grandparents now.

    And if I were to confront them with that now, they'd say "Okay I was wrong, but have you put on weight?"

  9. Now that is a very strange leap of logic - to go from the Roman Empire and its fall, to Obama. Are you likening Barak to Nero? Or?? I truly object to comments like this because they plant an idea that is totally unfounded.

    And if you are the most powerful country on earth, it's a shame you never learned how to spell, or at best, to use a spell checker, or learn how to place a few apostrophes in your rant. I'm sure you'll post a violation notice. simply because I've pointed out a few inarguable truths. So be it. But this type of fear mongering is certainly not what one would expect from a citizen of the 'most powerful country on earth'

  10. I agree with you that there are many similarities between all the great empires or nations and how they have eventually fallen.  The US is not different in many of those regards.

    Rome fell from over-extension, absorbing too many different ethnic and cultural groups before they were assimilated and loyal to Rome, dependence on those same groups for its labor and military, and overall corruption at the hands of its elite.  One only needs to look at current US policies of free-trade, open-border, and corporate sponsored government to see how great these parallels are.

    On the other hand, today the elites in the west have decided to forgoe all nation states and sovereignty for the sake of the global economy.  The loss of the US as a nation is irrelevant if in the end it means its elites gain profit and the common consumer is at peace.  Too drunk with cheap goods to care about naitonal identities.  This is the plan of the EU elites as much as it is the US elites.  The age and technology of the current time may not mean the same catastrophe as it used to if sovereignty is lost.

    Obama or McCain are part of the same soup when it comes to this no matter what the media attempts to portray.  There is no choice this election, just illusions of choice.

    The times look good for consumerism and global elite greed.  As long as everyone longs to become Nietszches' "last man" this agenda will have no real enemies.

    As a nation state we are spiralling down and it will take much less than a century to hit bottom.  In 25 years the southwest will be vast majority Hispanic with a strong percentage believing that that land is rightfully Mexico.  In 14 years at current inflation rates you will need twice the money needed now for the same thing.  If tomorrow oil sold in Euros and the Chinese dropped their dollar reserves where would we be?  

    Wastefull greed and interventionism will be our downfall.

  11. Good point
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