
A tough biology question?

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How does a coconut know it's back on land after it's been in the water for months (whats the mechanism?) ? And then how does it know when to germinate?




  1. You might want to take a look at the coconut research centre.

    Failing that its a genetic coding, a bit like when does a plant know when to emerge from beneath the soil.

  2. This germination is a time bound process regardless of whether the coconut is on land or water. The shell contains enough nutrients to nourish the sapling for months maybe even a year. As the nutrients in the nut get depleted, roots develop and become stronger. If the sapling or young palm cannot find ideal land to sprout on by the time the roots become ready to absorb nutrients, it will perish.

  3. A coconut knows when to germinate as when the favourable conditions occur the germination process starts. It is by the genetic mechanism

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