
A town in Texas just passed a law allowing teachers to carry a firearm. Do you think this is right?

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I really can not believe this....a teacher with a gun! Can you imagine if an altercation breaks out (and they do), with no weapons involved, and some teacher feels it necessary to pull the gun out? I feel this is wrong on so many levels. I think if a particular school system has so little control over their students that they feel their teachers need to be armed, then that school system is doing something wrong.

I understand that school shootings are of great concern to all parents but it is unlikely that a teacher with a gun will prevent these horrible things from happening. A gun does not guarantee security. There are too many other ways in which to make a campus more secure. What are your thoughts?




  1. no my literature teacher already hates me i'm surprised im not dead  

  2. A child isn't going to shoot up the school if they know the teachers have guns. It's as simple as that.

    I absolutely support their right to carry firearms, because I fully support the constitution  

  3. God bless Texas!

  4. if they let teachers have guns, then they'd better have MUCH more scrutiny on the teachers that they're hiring, and a LOT of extra, mandatory training on how to handle/fire a weapon.  (like, i want them to be freaken sharp shooters).

    i don't mind a teacher protecting my (future) child if G-d forbid an attack on this country happens, from terrorists abroad or right at home (ie other students).

    but i'll be darned if a teacher is going to use a gun to, i don't know, demand sexual favors, intimidate students, threaten students, etc.

    if you  let them have guns, you'd better pay them more and better their working environment to insure the teachers you're hiring are the best of the best.

  5. I would hate to imagine what would happen if some student garbed the gun at shot teachers/students. I think this is just wrong on so many levels. People say there not afraid of guns but have one put to your head id cry T-T. How are teachers suppose to stop fights now pull out the gun and hope everyone runs or something.

  6. I think that crazy. Kids might get it and then want will happen if one of those students found that gun they going to play with it. It wrong and I think shouldn't be allowed.

  7. I don't see anything wrong with it.

    People are paranoid.

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