
A transformer blew up on in my backyard and the epa is at my house?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone, Im hoping to get some information from someone that might be able to tell me, what exactly was inside of that to make the epa come to my house, dig up half my yard, and spray my house and personal outside belongings. these men were in hasmat suits, yet the stuffs been leaking on my property for over 24 hours and it rained! What kind of health hazard is this, they are not to informative. my kids and dogs play out side all the time.. help please..




  1. The insulating oil in the xformer is a known carcinogen( a bi-phenol)

  2. Please go online and look up PCB's  that is the common name for the oils in the transformer and it is a known cancer causing agent.

  3. The oils in the transformer are carcinogenic ..and could be potentially harmful.  Do you live in a rather populated suburbs or a development?  We had a transformer get struck by lightening last year and blew it all to heck...all we did was go around and pick up the pieces and the light company installed a new men in hazmat suits or EPA people...we live in a very rural area.  I remember my brother telling me to wash my hand well after handling the pieces...

  4. Here are several references.  You should talk to a lawyer since the value of your property has been impacted if you decide to sell.  You will need to disclose this incident.  I would also take all toys and materials that were anywhere near the incident and throw them away.  They are probably not a problem, but why not be safe.  You should insist on a copy of all reports and lab tests that were done.  Also a letter from the state agency that did the cleanup saying there is minimum risk should be obtained.  What they told you means nothing, get everything in writing.  Lastly, I would have a local lab/consultant take followup samples to make sure of what the suited guys did.

    You probably don't have a problem, but do your due diligence.

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