
A turtle bit me!!! what do i do? use? HELP?

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A turtle bit me!!! what do i do? use? HELP?




  1. The same thing happened to me( I'm not a big fan of turtles anymore)!!! First wash it really well with soap and water, then disinfect it with with rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide or that sort of thing. The next day if it is swollen or there are lines running down from your finger you need to see a doctor because it is infected and could be deadly if it isn't treated because turtles can carry things like salmonella. Good luck and remember, if you see anything out of the ordinary, go to the doctor IMMEDIATELY to check it out!

  2. go to the doctor

  3. A turtle bit my son & we went to the emergency room.

    They just cleaned it & put on a bandaid.

    Small turtles, babies, that are kept in small unclean bowls carry salmanilla is what the doctors told us.

    I would still call your doctor or the hospital.

    Do you need stitches?  If so, go right to the hospital!

  4. Their bites are that hard??

  5. go to ER if bleeding.

  6. Wash with soap and water, then disinfect the wound with whatever you have -- bactine or neosporin or hydrogen peroxide.

  7. Turtle soup :X

  8. How bad is the bite? You might need a tetnus shot.

  9. Well,turtles are made to bite. Most turtles bite whenever a person is in biting range. You should probably get it checked. Turtles carry salmenella, a rare and deadly disease. Next time, keep away from the turtles.

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