My two year old daughter woke up this morning with a sore on either corner of her mouth, right in the crease. It reminds me of a cold sore, at least that is what it looks like. I talked to the sitter and she said that the crease of her lip was a white color, which was not the case when I dropped her off this morning. I called the pediatrician to see what I should do, as I know these are very contagious. The doctor didn't seem concerned at all ... They just told me to put Abreva on it and it should go away. They didn't mention whether or not my daughter should be around other kids, or what precautions I need to take. I mean obviously she can't share drinks or food with anyone one. Has anyone else out there experienced this with their children? Should I keep her away from other children? Any ideas on how to treat it? I used to have cold sores when I was younger but I haven't broken out in at least 10 years.