
A unique way to give an engagement ring?

by Guest10899  |  earlier

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i need an unique way to give one.




  1. Make it about something you two do together. I know one couple who loved to go GeoCaching - the guy found the cache first, put the ring in, then when she found it, he proposed. He had a small bottle of champagne waiting. Now THAT'S unique!

    The wedding invitation is also a cool idea.

  2. inside a fortune cookie

  3. How soon are you doing it? The best one I've heard is the guy put the wedding ring inside a carved pumpkin at an apple orchard. Of course, this was during Fall, and so it all sort of tied together rather nicely.

    Does she have any hobbies? You could find a way to incorporate giving the ring to her that ties into a hobby of hers.

    Just don't put it in food, it's overdone and potentially unsafe.

  4. u could alwayss do the good old ring in the champegne... or or or you could put it under the blankets and let them find it when they look or put it in the fridge and wait for them to find it

  5. make a dummy wedding invitation address to her. instead of entourage, whats writen inside are the words "will you marry me?" and the ring.  

  6. the wedding invitation addressed to her sounds the best!!! i'd bawl my eyes out if I got that!

    I'd be like... oh great another wedding... when is my turn d**n it!! then open it and realize its mine! GENIUS! i love it

  7. Create a treasure hunt. The clu say something about your history together, like the first place we kissed in this apartment, or where our favorite____ is kept and eventually they find the ring.  

  8. i like the fortune cookie one! other than that dont do it in any other food! but just so you know, the old fashioned get on one knee and pop the question is always good!

  9. get an ice container u know the ones where u fill the thing up with water and then freez it

    well put the ring in one of the cubes freeze it then give her a glass of something to drink and put ice in there

    watch her drink and when she finishes the beverage take the cup look inside it and tell her to look and the say look wat iz that just improvise and then give it to her make sure she sees the ring in the ice cube before u take it out the cup

    umm i would prefer u use a glass cup

    well this is my idea

    i thought of it i didnt get it off some one else but this is wat i would do for my engangement

    tell me how it works out

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