
A/v receiver - sony STR-DG700. No surround sound from tv [optical output] when broadcast is in dolby .?

by  |  earlier

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everything else works ok [see below]. even reset the unit to default factory settings etc, but can't get dolby digital surround sound to come through the 5.1 speakers on HD broadcasts or anything. when we first set it up we could, but something changed [somehow] - now not getting any sound at all through receiver [on video1 which the tv's optical is in]. have checked the cable is plugged in of course - can anyone suggest what's wrong here ?

sony bravia kdl46x2000 tv, optical to receiver

sony ps3, hdmi to tv, optical to receiver

panasonic dmr-ex75 dvd/pvr, hdmi to tv, optical to receiver




  1. the optical cable may be broken can you see a light on the other side, if not try another option maybe coaxial

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