
A vampire in the family?

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our niece just spilled the beans to a cousin that she's a vampire. sneaks out at night to feed. has headaches from the voice in her head, that talks to her for hours at a time. got it from a boyfriend. I think she's crying for attention and independence. Parents are immature, she's 14 going on 2. strange dynamics all around, mother hovers, father antagonizes. strikes me as a serious cry for help!




  1. Whoa. That's some serious c**p.

    Go tell her to read Twilight.  

  2. lol ill just laugh at her and say ok then i have to tie u up and let her go when she says she was lyin

  3. therapy. years of it.  

  4. Well, here are indications that she's a vampire:

    1. paleness of the skin and no pulse.

    2. sensitive the the sun. UV rays could kill her on contact.

    3. she fears garlic. garlic burns vampires.

    4.her eyes change from her normal eye color to red on command. werewolves do the same thing, but they don't turn red. they mostly turn amber, yellow, or cream color.

    5.vampires can some times hide their fangs. they're like cat claws, retractable. can't see vampires in mirriors. if she can see herself in a mirrior, then good god she's a poser.

    7. vampires don't appear in photographs. try taking a photo of her to prove to her parents.

    if it is true, that she's a vampire, then thats her choice. a true vampire is the spirit of the bat reborn into her spirit, thus giving her lots of advantages and disadvantages. most of these creatures, including werewolves, are born into this world with a special sixth sense, but still human on one side. these creatures don't shift into their true form because the spirit is trapped inside the body and can't give off as much energy to shift. But what it can give her is the strength of the bat, no not breaking down buildings with her bare hands or picking up a car, but the strength to remain clever and challgenging toward others. this isn't something that can be passed on through from another person, so what you can do, is find a native american shawman and ask him to contact her spirit animal. if it is the bat, have no fear. it can't take over her, nor harm her. spirit animals are given to humans to use for guidance and help, not destruction. this might help you, it might not, but I can tell you this much, she is not a dracula full blown blood sucker. that's just a load of c**p that some fat nerd came up with a loooooong time ago.

    Ta ta,


  5. yeah, there is a bt of an underground 'movement' going on at the moment with vampires that hasn't been helped by books such as 'twighlight' (a book about vampires aimed at teenagers)

    while obviously this is just some role playing fantasy, it can be quite dangerous as some of them actually do 'feed' on each other, so if they parents aren't going to intervene i would.  

  6. well I guess thought you havent been bitten in neck right ?

    hehe really ohnestly maybe she has some break down or contacting with a spirit  well I would not be suprised if she seeks more attention !

  7. Don't let her stay the night at your house... what if she really is a vampire??



  9. i think she's just mentally ill. and by reading your question, i see it runs through the family

  10. i agree shes probably just trying to get attention.

  11. im guessing that had she been sneaking out at night to feed it would of hit the news papers about unsolved assaults in the area esspecialy if all the victims had bite marks... the chances of a 14 year old being able to spring on unsuspecting victims with out getting caught ( or with out them fighting back) are slim to non... so unless the police have caught and charged her, or unless she has lots and lots of unexplained  defence wounds id guess the claim is for attention..

    so saying that though .. some one who is that blatently calling for attention does indeed need help of some sort.. and if she is in actual fact also hearing voices in her head ( though her previouse claim throws doubt on that too ) then this too needs help..

    but i wouldnt worry about stocking up on the garlic or crucifixes yet ;-)

  12. Drive a stake into her heart, if she dissolves into air after a bloodcurdling scream she was a vampyr, if she just dies from trauma and you get charged with murder then she wasnt.

  13. Well the parents cant be blamed...perhaps she has a case of the Twilight Series fever. Teenagers all over are wishing they were vampires thanks to the hit series by Stephanie Meyer.

    Best wishes,


  14. I initially thought that it does sound quite like she is begging for attention.

    However, unless she has done her research, the "voice in her head" should be evaluated.

    That is a classic sign of schizophrenia.

    There are other mental disorders that mimic schizophrenia so she needs to be taken to a psychatrist.

    If she's acting, they will know. If she isn't, it's a positive that it is caught and dealt with now before she progresses to other behavior.

  15. I've heard of a lot of people who pretend do be vampires or witches, and I think it's strange. I think you should put her in counseling, and if she genuinely hears voices in her head then you should seriously consider getting psychiatric help, just in case she is schizophrenic. It's best to help her now before it gets worse, you know? And I'm sorry her parents aren't helpful. But since you're her aunt, you should try and help her out if her parents seem incapable of doing that.


    umm i think she has some mind problems soory to say she should go see the those thingys when they talk to you and so on.


  17. Simply a cry for attention.

  18. Does she have Fangs?

  19. Oh, Jesus... It's that bloody Twilight series. And word to note, besides sneaking out at night to feed, which she might actually b doing, and risking contracting a serious infection or disease, I must also note that, Edward, the main heart throb in Twilight is coming to theaters, depicting a thirteen year old being romanced and "changed" by a 19+ year old. I would watch her like a hawk. And inform her on what "real" vampires are, it may help her see that she is not truly one of them, and just following a fad and new subculture to try and fit in with people who have similar interests. But I would be careful as h**l, sometimes the vampire enthusiasts get out of hand.... (see Rod Farrell)

    She could learn from this site:

  20. Definitely a cry for help, you should step in and talk to her and her parents and get the kid some help. If she is really sneaking out at night she could come to seriuos harm.  If she really is hearing voices in her head she needs some psychiatric help.  Dont ignore this issue, help her.

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