
A vasectomy is a procedure in which the vas deferens are servered. why would such a procedure cause sterillity

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A vasectomy is a procedure in which the vas deferens are servered. why would such a procedure cause sterillity




  1. The vas deferens is the tube that connects the testicles to the outside world.  Cut them, and the sperm just drains into the body and gets re-absorded.

    Now, don't confuse this with s***n.  s***n is produce by the  prostate, separately from sperm.  So a man with a vasectomy has plenty of s***n, but no sperm.

    Just in case you;re wondering, a vasectomy does not reduce sexual pleasure.  At least, not after the surgery is healed . . . .

  2. The sperm need to travel from the testes to the outside and that is the route they need to take.

  3. they literally go in and cut off pieces of those tubes and take them out of your body---and use a tool (which looks like a saundering iron) to melt it back's actually really neat to watch :)

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