
A vegitarian teenager...?

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I'm a 14 year old who's gone vegitarian (with the exception of eggs and fish) but I need some tips on recipes and if there are any problems related to becoming vegitarian although I already know about protein and iron. Any help would be wonderful!




  1. just sub. 'fake meat' for the meat in recepies.

    eat salads.

    umm its really not that hard. ive been one for 2 years. (im 16 now) meat just isnt appatizing (sp?) anymore

    ummmm alot of restaurants also have many vege. options. veg. burgers, stirfrys. just look around.

    if you eat plenty of dark green leafy veggies, you will get all the iron and protein you need (in spinich, 40% of the calories are protein, thats A LOT)

    so i think you will be fine!!

    ps. WAY TO GO!!

  2. I'm also a vegetarian teenager. The best way to still get the same amount of protein and iron as meat is to try soy products. Such as meatless burgers, or tofu. Tofu is great grilled and with some vegetables as a stir fry. Try pasta. Go to and type in vegetarian, you'll get great ideas.

  3. If you're eating eggs and fish you're probably getting plenty of protein but you can add soy products (tofu) into your diet. Leafy green vegetables have iron and you can take supplements.  Be aware of changes in your body like bleeding gums, ridges in your fingernails, fatigue, wooziness, etc. At your age this might be a little harder because your body is changing so much on its own.  In any case be sure to get advice from your doctor.  

    For recipes search the internet cooking sites. Allrecipes is my favorite.

  4. Good for you for keeping a sensible amount of meat in your diet.

  5. It took me some time to convert myself. First I cut out red meat, then decided to cut out all animal flesh. i still eat dairy but from local farmers who do not slaughter their livestock nor inject them with hormones.

    I love trying the fake meat products, like morningstar farms and boca. Boca Burgers are great for protein and the all american flame ones taste just like burger king to me,lol. I love the taste but at first it was hard because it reminds me of meat but you adjust. They have a great variety of such products like fake hotdogs, corn dogs, bacon, sausage links and patties, etc. Walmart carries them in the freezer section and a few products near the fresh vegetables.

    As for recipes, i started taking dishes i loved and replacing the meat with the fake meat substitute. It's soo good, especially lasagna. I also found becoming vegetarian helped me expand my picky tastes, even if only slightly. I now eat alot more lettuce types, such as romaine and leafy greens...and I found i love spinach when mixed with lettuce.

    Also, I now buy butter with omega-3's in it, i use the fake meat for protein, and I also made sure to look up what needs to be supplemented and how by going to a few websites, like caring consumer,peta, and googling on the topic. It always helps to simply ask a dietician or a doctor what they recommend.

    I hope this has helped and the best of luck .I have never felt healthier or happier since I became a vegetarian. And regardless of what they say, age has nothing to do with it. Eatting meat is acquired, not something our bodies are born equipt to do. That's coming from my doctor and i'm also pregnant, you should see the looks I get when they hear i'm a pregnant, 26 yr old veggie! Just know how to supplement and get the nutrition you need. Best wishes!

  6. This is a great recipe:

    Scrambled eggs with tomatoes:

    You will need: one tomatoe, 3 eggs

    In a wok or skillet, heat 2 tablespoons of peanut oil untill hot, then add beatened eggs and slowly scramble untill medium well, then add the diced tomatoes and stir fry for about one minute. Salt and white pepper to taste and sprinkle green onions or scallions on top.

    This is a popular chinese dish that is consumed like pizza in the states. I like to eat this over white rice. Feeds about 2 people.

    Hope you like it!

  7. im also a vegetarian teen and have tried tons of new recipes that I like, some I didnt like.  You however are no vegetarian, you are a piscavore(person who consumes fish flesh)

    If you no a lot about protein and iron just try some foods you like that contain it. You are getting a lot of protein from the fish&eggs.

    Some recipes I often make::

    Bean Burrito

    Black bean,brown rice,lettuce,salsa(latley my salsa isnt tasting right to me though so Im a bit concerned :( .. ) Put it in a pita and there ya go..BURRITO lol

    Tofu stirfry

    Tofu(cubed)Veggies(any veggie you like but i use carrots,onions,garlic,cauliflower,brocko... some oils like seseme and olive. Yumm!

    Lentil soup in a can  =]


  8. check out peta or just go online and type in vegetarian recipes i mean its eas y to find stuff and i think you can get anemia and stuff if you dont have all your stuff or eat non healthy stuff and stuff

  9. You should learn how to spell vegetarian before you make such a drastic change in your lifestyle.

    Also, you need to make an appointment with your family doctor to make sure you don't have low iron and make an appointment with a dietitian to review healthy eating habits.

  10. Morningstar has a lot of substitute proteins that taste really good, and actually, sometimes you cannot tell the difference. THey have hot boneless wings that are to die for.

    When picking out tofu, look for the lower fat options because many tofus are really unhealthy for you.

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