
A very Jealous friend?

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My friend is now taking away my bestest friend.When shes with her i feel hurt and very jealous.Its Like she likes her better than me.Now shes getting secret notes from her.And on the other hand my other friend is telling her everything she never told me.I feel like I'm invisible.I feel like they treat me like I'm nothing




  1. confront her about say " hey we are all friends and you can't take my friend" or when ever they go off telling secrets push your self in   the same thing hapend with me and if your friend is a true friend she will always be with you.

  2. the best thing to do is to talk to your best friend.

    tell her how you feel..if she really is someone tht you shuld consider your best friend then she shuld understand.

    also if the other persons your friend why dont all of you hang out together?

    the other person might not be STEALING your best friend..she may just like hanging out with her like you do.

    if it really gets annoying tell her to BACKK OFF hello who is she to get in between you and your best friend.

    GOOD LUCK ! :)

  3. I've had that happen and in the end you can fight or you should try to find new friends and that will sure to make them jealous...This girl know your hurt and prob likes doing it... try to play at her own level or just igonore her

  4. I think your friend just found someone new; and she's excited.  I went through this once. and i called my best friend, and talked to her, and it felt odd, just talking like we were best friends. then i mentioned the other girl, [her new friend] and she just said that yeah they're becoming friends. and she said 'i'm allowed to have more than one friend, you know' and i tried to except taht, but i just couldn't. over time, they hung out alot, i ignore my best friend for a while, then idk what happpend, we started talking again, more and more, and started hanging out all the time and going on vacation together and stuff. ;]

    just be patient. it'll work out.

  5. try finding a new friend, that would make you think less of them and its a good chance to make new friends, plus this would make your original friend jelous !

  6. Weird. I had the same problem. Being jealous does nothing but hurt you even more.What I would suggest is telling your best friend how you feel. Explain to her everything you just said here. Then find another friend you are close to. Hang out with them more, and tell them the issue as well. If you and friend don't make up, at least you will have other friends, right?

    Good Luck :)

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  7. I feel very sorry for you... =(

    But maybe your loosing your best friend because you feel jealous for them ? i mean when your jealous u can't avoid looking at them with dark and gloomy eyes and maybe one of them understood that ?

    I suggest you try and become even better friends with both of them try to hang out in three ? I mean that way at least you won't be left out or anything

    Good luck hope i helped somehow ^_^

  8. lord yes the jelous feelings are immature and you need to stop!!

  9. aw :/

    what a c**p situation to be in!

    I definitely understand why you're upset about that.

    Why don't you tell your best friend your feelings about her

    becoming so close with one of your other friends? Or why don't you talk to both of them and see if you can all 3 hang out as a secrets.

  10. I totally know how u feel. That happened to be too but I talked to my best friend about it and it turned out she didnt realize it and they were just talking about me and they both wanted to be friends with me and the note was my best friend telling her to buzz off. LOL that was funny. But u should talk to ur best friend and have some faith in her.

  11. Oh. YOU'RE the jealous friend.

    It's hard to accept, but you don't own your friends. Friendships shift around; this is part of life.

    If you feel they're excluding you, then move on. If it's just on of those shifting-around things, try not to let your jealousy get the best of you.

    You can't control your friends' other friendships, just as you wouldn't want a friend choosing who YOU can be friends with. If you try to force the issue, you'll just alienate them both.

  12. tell her how u feel dont leave notta out
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