A very important question for young, independent mothers.?
This question is for those who knew that living on your own and supporting a child would be hard but decided to do it anyway. Why wasn't free rent, moral support, free food, and financial help enough to make you stay? Please don't think that I am judging you I am not. I am actually this type of mother. even though staying a thome with my dad would have been the best choice it is not the choice I decided to make. No things aren't easy, yes I do work, go to school, and raise my baby. The father and I are still together but we are both in college, and well of course it takes a degree to have a decent life. My reasons may sound crazy but they were MY reasons. I'm just interested in knowing everyone elses. My mom was a single woman on welfare with 3 daughters. She moved out of her parents house, went to school, payed her rent. yes she got government assistance but now she has 2 degrees and owns her own business. It wasn't easy but it was done. What made you choose to struggle?