
A very important question?

by  |  earlier

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Allah is not God because Muhommad cannot be his messenger as he is anti-Christ. Allah is a different God (and there is only one other). Muhommad and the Quran contradict the Torah, Jesus and the Gospel...he is a messenger, but not of God. I'm very sorry. Please answer the question if you know how. If God destroys the Muslims with his own hand when they believe that victory over Israel is within their grasp will you then come to God? Or will you continue to worship Allah? That is the question.

1Jn 2:22 Who is the liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, he who denies the Father and the Son.





  1. dont care it happens or not we always worship the GOD,ALLAH and do not worship human biengs.

    and btw this one day WILL happen i know muslims are not united and are in the worst of condition and matters may get worse but when ISA(JESUS) [AS] will return he'll help to unite the muslims and will free palestine etc.



    @asker/ could you please write the Ezekial 37, 38 and 39 so that i can answer.

    *will you then come to God? Or will you continue to worship Allah? That is the question.*

    yes i will come to GOD who is ALLAH. not that i dont believe in Him for me to come to Him in the future but i will get closer to THE GOD WHO IS ALLAH.

    btw u're just telling will you come to GOD or will you continue to worship  GOD. cuz Allah if it's translated is GOD.

    so ure Q duzn't make any sence.

  2. Oh my God!!! I laughed for at least 2 whole minutes when I read your 'question'.....!!! It really made me laugh out loud!! And, do you know why????????? Let me tell you......

    You speak with such assurance and authority, that it is AS IF you had read your whole Bible!!!! I SAY NO!!! YOU HAVEN'T READ IT!!

    READ YOUR BIBLE, and after that, lets see if you will still adhere to that religion(christianity)! Again, I repeat, READ YOUR BIBLE! Don't just read a part and assume you got ultimate knowledge you fool!!

    Read the quran! Be unbiased! Judge which one you find more logical/moral/safe for humankind! And I know what I'm talking About!!

  3. Allah, we worship Him alone and in all times.


    He is Allaah..

    The First: Nothing is before Him.

    The Last: Nothing is After Him.

    The Most High: Nothing is Above Him.

    The Most Near: Nothing is beyond His Reach.

    He Begets Not, Nor was He Begotten.

    The Creator, Provider, and All-Rich.

    The All-Seer, The All-Knower.

    He is One and Self-Sufficient.

    He is not Nature, or any part of it.

    He ascended above His Throne, High above the Seven Skies.

    No Vision can encompass Him, but

    His Grasp is over all vision..

    Such Is Allaah

    Nothing Is Like Unto Him

    The All-Hear, The All-Seer

  4. You miss something or misunderstood

    your writing>>>>>>>

    Will you then come to God or will you continue to worship Allah? This is a hypothetical question. When it happens...will you come to God?


    continue to worship Allah or will you come to Allah

    There is no Gods other than ALLAH.

    Allah alone is the God

    Allah is the God of all.all prophets including jesus (Yehshua) moshe Abraham submitted to God Allah.

    The word Allah is the unique name of God.

    YaHWH ELHm = oh He is ELOH= Oh he is ALLAh

    ELH in aramaic and hebrew ALH in arabic same pronounciation and same word.

  5. I will still worship Allah no matter what happens because i truly believe in this religion and i don't think that anything will shake my faith.

    But i would like to know if as you said hypothetically the opposite happened and islam was revealed to you to be true would you worship Allah?

  6. We will continue to worship God (Allah).

    Jews, Christians and Muslims believe in the same God.

  7. 1 jews, christians, and muslims dnt all believe in da same god so ignore da idiot who sed dat and u cant ask a question lik dat cuz i can ask u da samething....and in my opinion (allah) is god

  8. Never

    Allah swt. is All-Capable to do anything, and what happens, that is the will of Allah swt. we believe.

    We are happy in the way that is according to the All Mighty Will of Allah swt.

  9. Oh I'll answer your question "buddy"

    Yes I will continue worshipping Allah (SWT) and so will my kids, and my relatives, and every other true Muslim out there, which may i remind you is 1.3 billion and GROWING!!!

    So good luck with your little genocide. Im sure your lord will be very proud of your little self, when he realizes his followers like to massacre innocent men women and children in his name.

  10. Yes I will continue to worship God/Allah in the state of submission [Islam] on the true path of Abraham. As stated:

    And this submission to Allâh [Islâm] was enjoined by Ibrâhim (Abraham) upon his sons and by Ya'qûb (Jacob), (saying), "O my sons! Allâh has chosen for you the True religion, then die not except in the Faith of Islâm (as Muslims - Islâmic Monotheism)."  (Qur'an 2: 132)

    Also please note by whom in Whose Hand is my soul; God/Allah will never break His promise.

    However, I will not respond to your provoking statements that you added and with God/Allah lies the end of all affairs.  

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