
A very sneaky husband?

by  |  earlier

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My husband since we got married will not let me know his assets. We have separate accounts. Recently he went to the bank to sign over all his bank accounts to his brother for (pod) payable on death, not me. I was with him and told him since we share a family together, it wasn't right to leave it all in his brother's name. So he ended up putting my name on all his acccounts. (He is extremely upset!) Anyway... can he take money out of those accounts or do anything for that matter without my signature? Can he have his brother still get all his assets. How do I know for sure they will go to me and our children? HELP!!! I am so so deeply hurt and I need advice. He has no reason not to trust me. Thank you so much!




  1. sounds like there are issues that you do not know about. Maybe he had an affair and has another child that his brother knows about and you do not but in any case you need to both see a marriage counselor. Just one mans opinion

  2. your just a gold digger

  3. He is still in control. The power only passes to you when he dies. He could very well change that back to his brother, again.  

  4. I hate to say it but if your name is only on it to receive after he is dead then yes he can do anything he wants because it is his account.I also hate to say he is hiding something BIG for him not to want your name on the account and didn't even want you on to receive nothing for the children even . Are you sure you are the only person in his life . A person with no secerets has nothing to hide  wouldn't care if you were on his account or wouldn't be that upset. If I was you I would investagate that sitution more.

  5. Wow, sounds like a real nice guy!!!  Geez.  How long have you been married?  I don't know why he wouldn't want to make sure his family is taken care of.  Sounds like a loser!

  6. question-are you just an authorized signature on accounts ? makes a difference-if so he can close accounts and reopen diffrent account in his name without you knowing till its done- make brother benificerary as far as withdrawing money you both can without either knowing till you get statement
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