
A virgo female is compatible for an aquarious male?

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A virgo female is compatible for an aquarious male?




  1. Actually any relationship would work if there's enough common grounds and enough efforts to put into it...

    But basically...

    A Virgo and an Aquarius are NOT compatible. Aquarians are known to be rebels... they have unusual ideas and can be rather hypocritical. This doesn't mean that they're cruel. They like to make other people feel comfortable (think Oprah. She's Aquarius), but at the same time they are quite opinionated. So they usually confide about their strong likes and dislikes in a few trustworthy people.

    Virgos are mutable, which means they can adjust to different things more easily. But they also have preference... they usually like their environ to be neat and tasty... they don't fancy overly explosive ideas or expressions... they are more careful in their choices and approach to life.

    Depending on other planetary aspects, a Virgo and an Aquarius can be drawn to each other, at least initially. The Virgo longs for people who are more open and creative than him/herself, and s/he may admire people who can be (or seem) impartial. The Aquarian may like Virgo's reliability and stability on which to ground their flowing creative juices.

    I used to know a Virgo/Aquarius couple in high school... the situations looked flipped... the Virgo was more outspoken, aggressive, spontaneous, and sociable than the Aquarian, who was methodical and reserved. But then the problems appeared: the Aquarian was apparently more brain- and logic-oriented than the romantic, loved up Virgo. Soon the Aquarian ran away because she felt her freedom and objectivity were suffocated by the more jealous, demanding Virgo.

    Virgo and Aquarius can be really good friends, though (I'm a Virgo and my best friend is an Aquarius).

    A more detailed birth chart is of course needed for a more accurate reading.

  2. I'm a Virgo with Aquarius rising.  I get along with most Aquarius'.  I can appreciate their rebel nature.  I like their individuality and scientific, matter-of-fact way of thinking.

    The only thing that bugs me about a lot of Aquarius guys is that they can be messy and don't always shower enough or look after their health.  If you get along with the Aquarius intellectually and he bathes enough, that's a good start!

    Another thing that bugs me..  Aquarians seem to lie a lot.  If they break your trust, you may find it really hard to trust them again.

  3. NO. virgo is best with:

    taurus, scorpio, cancer, capricorn

    aquarius is best with:

    sagitarius, libra, aries, gemini.

    they are not compatible and are not a good match. at least not astrologically speaking. what it means is you will both have to work at this relationship as it will lack the natural flowing of understanding and deep connection and love that other relationships have.

  4. This is not a very good match for either one of you. You may be drawn to the Aquarius boy because he shares with you an intellectual, logical way of looking at the world. However, he is also a dreamer who spends a lot of his time theorizing about the future and chasing wild ideas to see where they lead. Meanwhile, you’re stuck doing all the practical stuff. He’s the type of guy, with you, who will try to get you to do his homework so he can figure out how to reconfigure his computer. You’ll feel used, and you’ll get extremely frustrated at his head-in-the-sky behaviour, but you won’t be able to change him. A difficult match that’s better left unmade.

    This unlikely combo can be filled with plenty of activity and adventure. Virgo girl is intrigued by Aquarius boy's far-flung ideas and downright dreaminess. Just remember, Virgo, that not everyone can be as organized and with—it as you, so cut your guy a break when he's not as quick as you are!

  5. Since I am Virgo with Aquarius rising I would say, from experience with my two sides battling it out, that if both are willing to work on the relationship, you can both benefit greatly...two sides of the coin...that means their very thought processes are opposite...

  6. Virgo & Aquarius

    The only turf these two signs can share is the intellectual one. The traditional, methodical Virgo panics in the absence of familiarity and routine; the Aquarius devotes himself to overturning the routine and modernizing the world. Likewise, in the emotional realm, Virgo seeks certainty while Aquarius craves the unpredictable. The Aquarian chill bothers the devoted Virgoan, who may reproach him or herself for some inner failing. However, love makes all things possible... But this couple will be a challenge for both partners to tackle.

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