
A volcano erupted in 1815 what is the volcano?

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  1. I'm not sure what Versuis is and whether it erupted in 1815, but the volcano called Mt Tambora erupted in 1815. It spewed about 150 cubic kilometers of lava ash into the air. The next year, 1816, was called the year without a summer because of the widespread frosts and darkening of the sky.

    In comparison, Mt. St Helens spewed about 1 cubic kilometer of lava ash into the atmosphere. The Mt Tambora eruption had a strength of 7 on the Volcanic Explosivity index, making it about 4 times stronger than the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, which had a VEI of 6. Mt. St. Helens in 1980 and Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 both had VEIs of 5. The only other volcano that had a VEI of 7 that erupted in human history is Mt Taupo, in New Zealand, which erupted in AD 186, but New Zealand was uninhabited at the time. The Polynesians came to New Zealand about 1000 AD.

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