
A wall on the Mexican border. Good Idea? I think it is.?

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Im in no way racist. I dont mind the Mexicans being here. I just feel we need to have some kind of organized guest worker program were they can pay taxes and then they can get a drivers permit and health care. SO instead of jumping the border there would be some order to the process. What do you think?




  1. The walls never had been a good idea.

  2. Yea but then who would mow lawns , hang out at home depot,  build houses all for $2.50/hour??  Not to mention all the yummy burritos.  Who would make that?  I def dont want to pay some white guy $22/hour to scrub my toilets.   Not to mention who would buy all that fake bling you see on the bus?

  3. The wall idea is the most stupid idea ever in the world. When the lazy people that get welfare in the USA and the ones that sell drugs, steal etc. Get off their butts and work. You wouldn't need Mexicans. But, that will never happen. The lazy freeloaders will keep freeloading and the Great Mexicans will keep working. That is the way it is. The wall will never happen because there is no money to build it and the lazy people in the USA will not get off the sofa to pick grapes, etc..

  4. You know how expensive that would be? It's a horrible idea. And people will still get over it, unless you build it to be extremely high.

  5. bad ideas, walls usually are. lets go back to the melting pot open gates sentiment we had early in our nation, eh?

  6. Let's see it from Mexico's view. They think it's offensive, compare the USA to n***s and commies (Berlin wall anyone?) and it's not in America's interest to p**s off one of their main oil providers.

    Mexico only puts up with a lot of things America does because there is no oil refinery at this point (though one is currently being built) and we need gasoline too (not to mention immigrants send billions of dolars into the country). If America doesn't like that, America has all the freedom to switch to alternate fuel sources. Until then, either buy oil from Mexico, or buy it from Nigeria, Venezuela or Saudi America. Pick thy poison.

    How about force those lazy butts on Welfare to get a job or get kicked into the street?

    (Note that I'm in favor of regulating immigrants in the US and that they should pass the requirements every legal immigrant does, but you can't ignore they are doing the work Americans don't want to do).

  7. its a stupid idea what are they going to do to keep all other immigrants out that are not Mexicans

  8. i agree with you. all mexicans are going to the US to get money so they are not really giving much of a problem to anyone. i know guys that go and work in the US and pay taxes and all but yeah i beleive that both governmatns have to come with something to stop or at least slow down ilegal immigration adn give rights to the mexicans in that go to the US. but i think the wall will be useless because mexicans can find a way of getting over it or maybe even under . who knows? nice idea

  9. how about u build it in the fu.k.|n U.S. and not in mexico!

    and how about not cheapin out and hiring imigrants to build it,

    isn't that some what ironic?

  10. It's not a good idea.  It will only slow people down by 3 minutes and needs to serve as a barrier for that many hours at most points along the border.

    A road that runs from San Diego to El Paso and an increase of boat patrols on the Rio Grand would be more effective and serve more than one purpose.  

    If the fence fails in its only purpose, and I believe it will, it will be abandoned.

    There is a road just like it along the southern border of Canada and the US.  I think there also needs to be one on the US side there as well.

    Afterward, the National Guard duties could include patrols to help the Border Patrol along the borders, and commerce between US and Mexican cities along the border might even improve.

  11. I think you are right about organized workers, but the true is that no matter the wall, migrants (keep in mind that even the most are mexican, no all of them are, even they are going tru south border) won't stop crossing illegaly. We (both nations) should find a real solution, and the wall is not a solution, that is just a way to "buy" extra votes in USA.

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