
A want a rat but i want it to stay small is there like a drawf rat or something? and how much does it cost?

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please help every body says rats are the coolest animals ever butt i dont want one that big HELP




  1. I don't think there are dwarf rats


    But there are dwarf hamsters! :D


    Good luck

  2. Have you considered getting a mouse?

  3. To Fish Lova - I don't understand what you mean by "They still MAKE rats that small."

    We don't make rats, and we don't make how big they get, unless you have a set goal with breeding and deal with all of the genetics. But what you said didn't really make sense. =/

    Anyways, to answer your question, yes. They do have dwarf rats, but they are rare and I'd imagine expensive. I think their personality MAY be a bit different from normal rats, but I'm not quite sure. Either way, they will still need to have a buddy. All rats need to be kept in pairs or groups. If you can only get one rat, then I would suggest not getting one at all. But, there are cases where sometimes a rat just does not get along with others, but this is rare as well.

    Rats are really good pets, but you need to be prepared for everything they need. They need large cages, proper diet, vet care, and all of the accessories. Rats may require a lot of vet care in their lifetime, epsecially since female rats are prone to tumors. Spaying them can reduce this risk, and neutering male rats is also a good idea, although not really needed.

    So since there aren't many Dwarf rats, you would probably need to get a fully sized one. Sometimes rats don't get too large and just stay petite sized, but this is usually hard to tell from a young rat.

    Mice are smaller versions of rats look-wise, yet they do have different personalities. I would definately rather rats over mice, but they can still be good pets as well, and they stay small.

    Good luck! Rats ARE the coolest animals. =)

  4. well i dont think they do but they still make rats as small as when you buy em at the petstore, theyre like 3 inches long and only grow to 5, 6 inches long, if thats to big but thats small as they get for rats, cuz they grow pretty d**n big.  

                                  -Hope this helps!

  5. get a dwarf hamster or breed da dwarf  hamster N da RAT  theres ur dwarf rat that might work

  6. Why does size really matter? I don't understand.

    Female rats don't get as big as the males, though.

    Mice aren't nearly as entertaining or social as rats, so i don't recommend them for you. They aren't just like miniature rats.

  7. Rat's don't get too huge.

    But I've found mice to be just as social, and sit on your shoulder :)

    Dwarf rats can be REALLY hard to find and can run very expensive.  Try mice, unless those are too small. But otherwise, just deal with the fact that the rat will be slightly large.

  8. There is actually such a thing as a dwarf rat.  However, it can be hard to find a breeder of true dwarfs, as they are uncommon.  (A lot of lesser breeders will try passing off runts/unhealthy babies as dwarf rats.)

    They probably cost a bit more then normal rats.. if you can find a breeder.

  9. yes there is a dwarf rat but if thats to big for ya get a mouse

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